Kendari Kejari Destroys Evidence From 2022, There Are 606 Grams Of Shabu, Machetes To Bows

The Kendari District Attorney (Kejari) destroyed a number of evidences from general criminal cases that had been declared legally binding or inkrah.

Kendari Kejari Chief Shierly Sumuan said the evidence that was destroyed by his party was a number of general criminal cases for the period 2022 to June 2023.

"Today, the Kendari District Attorney together from the Court, Polresta and BNN Kendari destroyed evidence of criminal cases that had legal force, cases from 2022 to June 2023," he said in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sulteng), Tuesday, June 20, confiscated by Antara.

He said a number of pieces of evidence destroyed by the Kendari Kejari, namely 606.83 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 16 ecstasy pills, 74 grams of ecstasy pill powder, 11.94 grams of marijuana from 56 narcotics cases.

"And other evidence of TPUL (Other General Crimes) and Customs include cellphones, badik, machetes, bows, and cigarettes (illegal). So, these are the latest cases, which we have destroyed for a long time," he explained.

Kejari Kendari carried out the destruction by destroying it using a blender for evidence of the type of narcotics. Meanwhile, other evidence such as cigarettes is destroyed by burning them in a container that is sprayed from iron.

Shierly said that his party destroyed evidence from a number of general criminal cases in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) and to prevent acts of misuse of evidence.

Furthermore, Shierly said that in the future his party would destroy evidence once a month so that there would be no buildup in the storage warehouse.

"The SOP is indeed every time there is (evidence) we don't gather, we immediately destroy the evidence. Now it has to be once a month, so it doesn't pile up in our warehouse," said Shierly.