Night Patrol Of The Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-PNG Infantry Battalion 132/BS Fails To Smuggle 8.25 Kg Of Cannabis Through The 'Inner-Ban' Of Four-wheeled Vehicles

JAYAPURA CITY - The Night Patrol Team for the Main Command Post of the Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-PNG Infantry Battalion 132/BS led directly by Wadansatgas Major Inf Zulfikar Rakita Dewa, managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle 2 Non-Kenal Cannabis (OTK) of 20 packages weighing 8,254 grams in the middle of the wilderness of the Skouw-Wutung Border, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua Province, Sunday 18 June.

The Dried Cannabis packaging is known to be stored in 2 "Inner Bans" of four-wheeled vehicles.

A few days earlier, Major Inf Zulfikar received information from a community with the initials SO (24 years) from Mosso Village, who reported that in recent days there had been information that there had been quite a lot of suspicious activity at the Skouw-Wutung border.

Getting information from SO, Major Inf Zulfikar together with Inf Sagala Captain and Intel Dansi Serka Faisal immediately conducted an in-depth information, which had previously also been reported to Dansatgas Lt. Col. Ahmad Fauzi, who then ordered to seek further and detailed information.

After conducting an in-depth information, Sergeant Faisal reported to Major Inf Zulfikar that on Sunday night there was an alleged illegal border crosser to carry out activities (not yet known in detail) at the Skouw-Wutung border, and on the report Major Inf Zulfikar reported to Lt. Col. Inf Fauzi that he would carry out Night Patrols along the Skouw-Wutung border route to the Water Dam which is the end of the border route.

It didn't take long for the Main Command Post Patrol Team with 12 people led by Major Inf Zulfikar to depart for the Night Patrol along the Skouw-Wutung border route. In its implementation, maneuvers of the Night Patrol movement were divided into 2 teams led by Sertu Herman and Serda Dhiki, respectively, with Major Inf Zulfikar as the axis of the movement.

And it's true that during the Night Patrol, the Patrol Team saw 2 OTKs with each carrying suspicious luggage. Then Major Inf Zulfikar ordered the Patrol Team to observe and approach them. Unfortunately, when the Patrol Team began to approach them, the 2 OTKs fled quickly towards PNG while throwing their luggage.

Major Inf Zulfikar ordered to pursue the 2 OTKs, but due to very dark conditions, the terrain was quite slippery due to rain, as well as the distance from the location of the incident which was very close to the border (less than 30 meters), the 2 OTKs were able to escape past the border and constitutionally it was not justified for the Task Force soldiers to pursue those who crossed the border. Furthermore, Major Inf Zulfikar ordered the Patrol Team to carry out inspections around the scene, and found 2 four-wheeled "Ban Dalam" vehicles suspected of being the luggage of the 2 OTKs who were left behind while fleeing.

The Patrol Team carried out a brief inspection of the found items. It was later found that the contents of the 2 "Dalam Floods" were marijuana packages. Next, the Patrol Team took the items to the Main Command Post and continued with a detailed examination, with the results of 20 packages weighing 8,254 grams. Major Inf Zulfikar reported the findings to Lt. Col. Inf. Fauzi, followed by handing over the evidence to Kolakopsrem 172/PWY.

Based on the experience and analysis results that have been carried out by thwarting the smuggling of dried marijuana at the Skouw-Wutung border, there are allegations that the 2 OTK involved in this incident are Indigenous Papuans (OAP) and/or PNG citizens.

"The success of thwarting the circulation and smuggling of marijuana that has been carried out repeatedly by the Battalion 132/BS Task Force during almost 8 months of assignment in Papua with a recapitulation weighing 33.24 kg confirms that we as TNI soldiers will always be present to protect and provide security guarantees for the people on the Papua border", said Lt. Col. Inf Fauzi.