6 Habits That Can Ruin Your Diet

JAKARTA - There's nothing wrong with going on a diet by eating healthy food, moving your body, and getting enough sleep because everything is very important for physical and mental health.

However, if you're constantly hearing bad diet advice straight from a toxic or toxic diet culture, then it's hard to decipher what's actually healthy and what's not. Although restricting food and exercising three times a day seem like "symbols of health", in reality, these dietary habits can be very detrimental to our bodies.

So, before making any habit changes in your life, be sure to find out which dietary habits are detrimental to your health.

So, for that reason, take a look at six popular diet habits that can really damage the body, as reported by the Eat This Not That page, Thursday, June 15.

Changing type of exercise

One of the reasons why your body is not experiencing significant weight loss could be because you frequently change types of exercise. Switching from sport to sport sounds good in theory.

But in reality, this can actually make your weight not change. Because the body is confused to adjust every movement it makes. Practically, regardless of the type of exercise, do it consistently for one month. If the results are not visible, then you are allowed to try other sports.

Eat too many healthy snacks

Overdoing something will never produce anything good, including eating too many healthy snacks. For your information, some healthy foods even have high calorie counts, so practicing portion control is key.

Lack of sleep

Habits that can undermine the next process of losing weight is not getting enough rest. You need to improve the quality of good sleep because fatigue due to lack of sleep is directly correlated with weight gain. Studies have shown too little sleep increases the desire for energy-rich, high-carbohydrate foods. Sleep gives the body the right time to recover, conserve energy and repair muscles during exercise time.

Limiting calories

To achieve ideal body weight, it is recommended to set a deficit of around 500 calories daily. Too much limiting calorie consumption can also be fatal because you don't give your body enough energy to function properly. Instead of reducing calories a lot, it's better to consume calorie-dense foods that will be used as energy and not stored as fat.

Not drinking enough water

Drinking water is very important in the journey of losing weight. Not keeping yourself properly hydrated can lead to weight gain for a number of reasons. The first is that water can help you feel full, thereby reducing hunger. Studies have shown that adequate water intake promotes reduction in body weight, body fat and body mass index.

Drinking enough water has also been shown to help the body get rid of waste. When the body does not have enough water and is dehydrated, the kidneys retain fluids. Water helps dilute kidney fluids by filtering out toxins and other waste materials. Dehydration and fluid retention can hurt a person's chances of losing weight.

Too often eating out or ordering food

If you often eat out, you can't control what ingredients are in your food. You don't know every ingredient used in the recipe and you definitely don't know how many ingredients to use. For example, a salad dish can be served with grilled chicken that has been cooked in excess oil.

When you control the ingredients that go into your food, you have a much better chance of losing weight.