Doctor's Advice, Elderly Should Take A Maximum Bath Of 10 Minutes

JAKARTA - Dermatology and Venerology expert who has studied at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Dr. Amelia Setiawati Soebyanto, SpDV advised the elderly to take a maximum of five to 10 minutes to prevent their skin from getting drier.

"Even that doesn't soak, shower normally," he said at the Virtual Media Briefing themed 'Don't let dry priritus and skin reduce the quality of life for the elderly', reported ANTARA, Saturday, June 10.

Amelia said that the elderly should choose warm water and soap that is not efficient because it will cause the skin to dry out. Soap that is efficient includes antibacterial or which functions to whiten the skin.

Furthermore, regarding soap, he recommends that which is liquid rather than stems, one of which is because they are noisyly contaminated with bacteria due to use together with other family members.

"PH for stem soap is higher so it is alkaline, that can make the skin drier. Because the pH of the skin is around 4.5 - 5.5, so it is more acidic," he said.

Amelia suggested that the elderly also consult a specialist in skin and genitals for dry skin problems experienced, because not all soap can be used and not all moisturizers can be used for all cases. According to him, in cases of mild dry skin, the drugs given are different from the already severe degrees. This also applies to dry skin conditions plus infections that are implemented differently from without infection.

"At least it can't provide a better quality of life for patients. At least, it doesn't itch, the skin moistens, it's more comfortable to live its days," he said.

Consultation with a doctor is also needed if dry skin has not healed in a few days. Amelia said, this may not be an ordinary dry skin problem but there are other causes to look for and treat.

Amelia noted that most of the patients who came to the clinic where the practice came with other comorbidities such as uncontrolled sugar, and finally the skin became itchy. Other cases, itching that move from one body organ to another, have no skin lesions and only appear dry and scaly skin.

"It's a dry skin condition with a mild degree. The treatment can start with soap, the right moisturizer, give additional oles drugs," said Amelia.

On that occasion, related to bathing, dermatologist and genitals Dr. Yustin Sumito, SpKK advised the elderly to use steam nails and rinse the last body with cold water.

"So it's not too surprising. After that, the moisturizer is applied immediately. It will be very helpful (to prevent dryness of the skin)," he suggested.