The Ministry Of Health Facilitates Access To Drugs And Supplies For Hajj Candidates

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has implemented an Information System and Distribution of Medicines and Health Supplies (Perbekkes) to make it easier for pilgrims to get the medicine needed.

"For the distribution of drugs and Perbekkes from depots at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) to groups," said Head of the Hajj Health Center (Kapus) of the Ministry of Health, Liliek Marhaendro Susilo, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 9.

In the previous Hajj, the need for drugs and Perbekkes in the sector and clusters was carried out with a patient request system. In this system, Hajj health workers (TKH) take drugs and Perbekkes at the drug depot located at KKHI.

The drug demand system is felt to be less efficient because this system makes TKH flock to KKHI to take medicine. As a result, when taking drugs and Perbekkes, TKH will leave prospective hajj participants for a long time.

"In addition, this system has received many complaints from TKH regarding transportation to the drug depot at KKHI," said Liliek.

"Now from KKHI, which acts as a depot, medicine and Perbekkes from each Daker, we encourage it to the sector and then from the sector it will be pushed to the group," he said.

By bringing drug access closer to the location for Hajj candidates, TKH does not leave the pilgrims for too long and can focus more on providing services in their batches.

In Makkah there are 11 referral sectors and in Medina there are five sectors for Hajj candidates.

In each sector there is one guide that acts as a sector office. This sector office is the destination for the distribution of drugs and Hajj Perbekkes.

Apart from the drug distribution system and Perbekkes, starting this year the Hajj will use an information system called SOBATHAJI to monitor the supply of drugs and Perbekkes in the groups, pharmacies, and drug depots in each Daker.

SOBATHAJI is the Hajj Health Management and Supply System. This application is based on a mobile responsive web specifically for handling drug management and medical supplies for Hajj operations.

This application can be used in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia ranging from preoperation, operations, to post-operational Hajj.

SOBATHAJI was developed by the Ministry of Health's Hajj Health Center together with the Directorate of Pharmacy Management and Services of the Ministry of Health.

This application was built based on years of experience in drug management and Hajj medical supplies so as to be able to answer problems related to drug management and Hajj health supplies.

TKH in the group can access SOBATHAJI through by using the user and password that has been given previously. TKH can make requests for drugs and Perbekkes through the drug request menu and Perbekkes.

After input, the depot will periodically check the incoming requests in SOBATHAJI which will be followed by the preparation of drug and distribution packages.

"Friends and groups don't have to go far to ask the depot, but we can immediately accept requests and immediately drop the drugs. So that it can be more efficient to provide services to pilgrims," he said.

This application not only brings closer access to TKH and the drug team and Perbekkes, but also makes it easier to monitor the supply and distribution of drugs and Perbekkes in organizing hajj health.*