Plaza Lippo Ekalokasari Burns, 5 Employees Rushed To Hospital
BOGOR - Head of the Bogor City Fire and Rescue Service, Samson Purba, said that 5 employees who experienced shortness of breath due to the fire at Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall, Bogor, were rushed to the hospital.
Meanwhile, the number of Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall employees in Bogor who experienced shortness of breath was five people.
"We have taken 5 people to the hospital and are currently under treatment. Everything is security," said Samson Purba confirmed, Monday, June 5.
According to Samson, these security officers experienced shortness of breath due to excessive smoke.
"The evacuation was due to exposure to smoke. Maybe too much work above (doting outages), not wearing masks, so shortness of breath," he said.
Meanwhile, according to Samson Purba, currently his party is still sterilizing smoke inside Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall, Bogor.
"We are still disposing of smoke using blowers, and all of our fellow employees have not allowed them to enter to take care of their belongings," he said.
Meanwhile, continued Samson Purba, the cause of the fire itself is still unknown.
"We can't guess yet, but in the room there is a screen of two seeds and it caught fire, we can't guess but it caught fire," said Samson Purba.
Previously, a fire hit Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall in Bogor on the evening of Sunday, June 4. As a result of this incident, dozens of employees experienced shortness of breath and fatigue.
Information gathered, the fire incident itself occurred at around 20:20 WIB. Where, the source of the fire came from the 3rd floor of the Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall building, Bogor.
"It happened at 20:20 WIB, there was a discovery of smoke on the 3rd floor of the management, immediately looked for security and found it," said Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Mall Markom Bogor, Taufan.
Then, according to him, the security forces tried to extinguish the fire with their APAR.
"So there are around 20 fire extinguishers that have been lowered. And actually it's not really like that, just to make sure we need it from the fire department," he said.
"Currently the conditions are conducive, the fire is gone and now it is in the cooling stage," continued Taufan.
He explained that the object that caught fire as a result of this incident was only a file in the form of an archive. Incidentally, the fire point occurred at the warehouse location on the 3rd floor of the M.
"Incidentally, the position in the warehouse, so it's just the old files, it's not really like that," he added.
Untuk korban jiwa, dipastikan dia, tidak ada. Karena, begitu muncul smau, teman-teman dari cleaning service langsung melakukan evakuasi semua pihak yang ada di dalam mal.
"There are no victims. Not yet, the conditions are not closed. That's why when there is a puff of smoke we ask for service customers for evacuation, so I think the progress is outside all of them and the above position is empty," said Taufan.
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It was mentioned that several employees were seen experiencing shortness of breath, Taufan confirmed. It was recorded that there were 30 employees who experienced fatigue.
"There are 30 tired employees and also help above extinguish the fire, because the smoke is actually not too hot. Just because the smoke is thick, there are many who are short," said Markom Plaza Lippo Ekalokasari Bogor.