Chaotic Determination Of 2 Acting Regents In Central Kalimantan, Ministry Of Home Affairs Audience Ready To Report To Minister Of Home Affairs Tito

KALTENG - Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) together with the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) held an audience to discuss the chaotic rejection of the community related to the determination of the Acting (Pj) Regents of South Barito and West Kotawaringin.

The Special Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs for Security and Law, Made Mahendra Jaya, said that his party understands the demands of the Dayak community in determining the acting regent in Central Kalimantan.

"I understand the aspirations that developed in Central Kalimantan. For that, I came as a representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to discuss and hear directly about these aspirations," he said during a meeting in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Tuesday, May 23, which was confiscated by Antara.

Through this meeting, he continued, various inputs and things conveyed by the community became the subject of reports and considerations of the highest leadership of the institution, namely the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian.

"We will immediately convey and communicate the aspirations that have developed to the Minister in the hope that the best way to this problem will be found," he said.

During the meeting, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya together with Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran accompanied by Forkopimda listened to the aspirations conveyed by the Central Kalimantan Regional Leadership Community (MP3D), as well as several alliances of Dayak communities and organizations, including the Community Caring for Culture and Development of Central Kalimantan, BMT Ormas, Green Union, KNPI Central Kalimantan, and several representatives of community leaders.

Central Kalimantan MP3D represented by Wawan S. Gundik, Ingkit BS Djaper, Andreas Junaedy, and Adi A. Noor conveyed the same thing related to the appointment of the Acting Regent of South Barito Deddy Winarwan and Acting Regent of West Kotawaringin Budi Santosa, namely asking the Minister of Home Affairs to cancel its decision.

Furthermore, it accommodates the mechanism that has been carried out, namely through the proposal submitted by the Governor of Central Kalimantan, and assigns local sons as regents in the two districts.

"The spirit of regional autonomy has been tarnished by a decision that illustrates the ability of human resources in the regions is very low, even though we have quite reliable human resource potential and are able to be acting regents," said one representative of Ingkit BS Djaper.

These demands, he said, should not be interpreted as primordialism which is fanatical with regional feelings, but rather uphold local wisdom, namely that local sons better understand the condition of their regions in all aspects.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Kalimantan appreciated the steps taken by MP3D and other community alliances that had conveyed their aspirations and demands peacefully without injuring the image of democracy that allowed differences of opinion.

"I understand how you feel, your wounds are the same wounds I feel as governors who are also representatives of the central government in the regions. Coordination is easy to say, but it is difficult to do if you have put forward ego-sectoral," said Sugianto.

Nevertheless, he conveyed that as the representative of the central government in the regions, he must obey and comply with the applicable and binding laws and regulations. However, on the other hand, as a regional head who is directly elected by the people, he must also absorb the aspirations of the people well.

"I have to be able to take care of my inner sharpness and qualified sensitivity, even I have to feel every breath and pulse to the deepest suffering of the people I lead," he said.

Sugianto Sabran continued, "This is so that what we are doing should not hurt the feelings of the people who have entrusted us with the mandate to lead the Bumi Tambun Bungai which we both love."

He asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to interpret the disclosure of information at this time to set an example in the spirit of transparency and openness.

If the matter that has been proposed by his party does not meet the requirements, it can be conveyed clearly and clearly related to its shortcomings so that it is deemed inappropriate.

Regarding evaluation and emotional relationships, he said that the regent's acting regent will carry out his duties for only 1 year. One year in question is a short time, and one must learn to understand the condition of the region and the local community.

"Then when does it work? After that there is an evaluation, what is evaluated? Five years of office alone is not enough to complete the vision and mission," he said.

No less important, according to him, is that existing emotional relationships become a leverage in accelerating development.

"No matter how great a person is without emotional relationships, it will be an obstacle in carrying out his duties," explained Sugianto.

Before ending the meeting, the Governor of Central Kalimantan said that his party would hold a coordination meeting with the Deputy Governor and forkopimda to discuss more carefully the problem of determining the Acting Regent of South Barito and Acting Regent of West Kotawaringin.