It's Toyota Raize And Daihatsu Rocky Hybrid's Turn To Enter The Collision Test Scandal Market, Sales Stopped Temporarily

JAKARTA - The drama of the manipulation of the Daihatsu hit test is not over yet. Most recently, the sale of two compact Toyota Raize Hybrid SUVs and the Japanese-made Daihatsu Rocky Hybrid must be temporarily suspended.
Toyota said the two SUVs had an error in the impact test certification of UN-R135, namely the side-braking test carried out by Daihatsu Motor as the party producing Raize and Rocky Hybrid.
UN-R135 is a collision test simulation with poles resembling an electric pole at a speed of 32 km/h to assess the safety of the driver's side and passengers both for left steering and right steering cars and assess whether the chassis of these two types of steering wheels can be consistent, sturdy and stiff at the time of the collision.
Reporting from, Jum'at, May 19, the number of cases of the hit-test certification error was revealed after a massive investigation was carried out under the orders of Toyota Chairman, Akio Toyoda.
The investigation also found an error in the data on the side of the car's side crash test for the production of Rocky and Raize's right-handed steering car, an e-Smart Hybrid 1.2 liter variant. This means that the 1.0 liter turbocharged version is not affected.
As a result of this case, as many as 22,329 units of Rocky Hybrid and Raize Hybrid with 56,111 units were suspended. The total is 78,440 units of affected vehicles.
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However, for Indonesian-made vehicles reported from the TopGear page, Monday, May 22, there was no order to stop.