During April, Mataram Police Handle 27 Criminal Cases With 31 Suspects

MATARAM - Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, revealed 27 criminal cases during April 2023 by naming 31 suspects.

Deputy Head of the Mataram Police, AKBP Syarif Hidayat, explained that the dozens of cases were revealed from the results of the investigation by the Mataram Police Criminal Investigation Unit team and staff at the sector level.

"So, these 27 cases were revealed from the performance of the police Criminal Investigation team and the ranks of the (sector police) police. This case was revealed in the one month period, April 2023," Syarif said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 16.

He explained that the most criminal cases revealed were theft with weight that occurred at night.

"There are nine cases of theft. The targets of these perpetrators are mostly houses, boarding houses, and shops," he said.

From some of these cases, the police managed to uncover the role and mode of the suspect through the results of the inspection of surveillance camera (CCTV) footage at the scene.

Therefore, Syarif hopes that the public will do the same thing, namely implementing a security system using surveillance cameras.

"By installing this CCTV camera, it can also prevent the perpetrators from committing crimes," he added.

In addition to cases of theft by weight, Syarif revealed cases of violent theft, such as robbery and theft of motorized vehicles.

"In the April 2023 period, we also succeeded in uncovering two cases of abortion, two cases of abuse and three cases of embezzlement, one of which was carrying out trading mode," he said.

Furthermore, Syarif said that the legal process against 31 suspects who were arrested for one month is still in the filing stage by investigators.

"We have detained all suspects and the investigation process is still being filed," he said.

The Deputy Chief of Police emphasized that his party will continue to promote security activities in the field through an enhanced routine activity program.

"Especially security at night by prioritizing the function of environmental police which we recently formed in each neighborhood," he said.