Central Lombok Regency Government Forms ASN Neutrality Task Force In The 2024 Election, Violators Will Be Sanctioned

PRAYA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has formed a monitoring team for the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN) or state administrators in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"This is to anticipate violations of ASN, either civil servants, P3K or state officials committing violations at the 2024 election stage," said Head of Bankespoldag Central Lombok Regency, Murdi in Praya as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 12.

The formation of ASN neutrality supervision in the 2024 General Election was carried out based on a decree (SK) with the PAN-RB, BKN and Bawaslu ministries of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian KPU.

"This was formed based on a joint decree from the central government," he said.

He said the purpose of forming this task force team was expected so that there would be no turmoil or problems in the 2024 General Election involving ASN.

In addition, sanctions for ASN who violate neutrality are not kidding, it could even lead to delays in promotion or other administrative sanctions.

"Not only administrative sanctions, criminal sanctions can also depend on violations committed," he said.

Therefore, he also appealed to all state administrations or ASN in Central Lombok Regency, especially to maintain neutrality in the 2024 General Election.

"We urge ASN to maintain neutrality," he said.

According to him, until now no ASN have been reported or processed for violating the 2024 General Election.

"There is no report yet," he said.