The West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Is Still Investigating Allegations Of Misappropriation Of Procurement Of Bunting Cows

The West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (West Sumatra) continues to investigate the alleged corruption case in the procurement of bunting cattle for the 2021 fiscal year.

"Until now, the case process continues at the investigation level, we have examined the witnesses and completed the necessary evidence," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Farouk Fahrozi, in Padang, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.

Until now, investigators from the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office have examined 99 witnesses from various backgrounds, including procurement partners, the provincial Livestock Service, and farmer groups as recipients of cattle assistance.

The investigative team also asked for information from a number of experts, including experts in state finance, regional finance, and experts from the Government Goods or Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

In investigating the case, the investigative team from the Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office has also asked for a calculation of state losses from the internal auditor team.

"The audit request has been carried out and now the auditor team is working, the results of this audit will determine the amount of state losses which are one of the elements in the criminal act of corruption," he said.

The West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office will thoroughly investigate the alleged corruption case and ensnare anyone who needs to be legally held accountable.

Head of the Investigation Section of the Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Sumriadi, explained that the case was related to the project of providing seeds or livestock seeds and greenening of animal feed in the 2021 fiscal year.

The project is located in the West Sumatra Animal Husbandry and Health Service with a budget ceiling of IDR 35.017 billion for the procurement of 2,082 bunting cows.

The details are 1,572 local cattle and 510 crossing cows that are poured into five packages of work contracts carried out by four different companies.

Dalam perkembangan pengerjaan, ternyata dilakukan addendum kontrak yang pada dasarnya mengubah spesisi teknis dari sapi berinting menjadi sapi tidak bunting disertai penyesuaian harga.

The prosecutor's office then found indications of violations of the law in the project, including allegations of price inflation so that legal proceedings were carried out from investigations to investigations.