Teacher Working Hours Exceeds 24 Hours A Week, Surabaya Education Office Proposes Addition Of Teachers

SURABAYA - Surabaya City Education Office, East Java, proposed adding teaching staff through the recruitment of government employees with a work agreement to the central government.

"Yesterday, there were 1,513 proposals that were still being processed. Then the quota for this year is still waiting from the ministry," said Head of the Surabaya City Education Office Yusuf Masruh as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.

Yusuf conveyed that the office proposed adding teaching staff because currently the working hours of teachers in Surabaya have exceeded 24 hours in a week.

"Now there are 28 to 30 hours a week," he said.

"The teacher's job is not only teaching, but also having to prepare materials, the body must be fit too. It's different from the staff. If there are too many teacher teaching hours, it's a pity," he said.

The agency proposes additional teaching staff for the elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) levels.

"More or less the need for elementary and junior high school teachers is around 800. God willing, we have submitted, coordinated, and calculated together with the organization as well," he said.

After adding teaching staff through the recruitment of government employees with a work agreement or PPPK, Yusuf said, teachers are expected to be able to carry out their duties optimally.