5 Differences In Americano And Long Black That Are Rarely Known To Be Coffee Connoisseurs

YOGYAKARTA Not many people know what the difference between Ordinary and long black is. In terms of appearance, both of them are black coffee. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two.

It should be noted that Efficientno and long black are two variants of black coffee. Each has the same appearance and content. Even the dose of the materials made is almost the same. Then what distinguishes the two?

Economy coffee is a variant of black coffee that is simply made by adding hot water to it and causing a lighter taste than MONEY. This coffee is said to have been made by American soldiers who came to Italy during the second world war. They are not used to consumingiri which has a bitter and strong taste. Then the fans added hot water to their cups. Now Ordinaryno is one of the techniques for serving coffee that has fans.

Then long black is also included in the black coffee family which has many fans, precisely in Australia and New Zealand. Meanwhile, Americano is popular in America and Japan.

It should be noted that in general Efficients and long blacks are presented by adding water to themen. What distinguishes the two is that long black is made by pouring hot water into the cup and then adding a new one to it.

Sedangkan Ekolanno dibuat dengan cara menerangkan kaca pada cup baru ditambahkan dengan air panas.

Although many people think that Efficiento and long black have the same taste, some think that the taste of the two is different. Efficientno coffee is said to have a lighter taste than long black. This happens because the process of making long black is to pour water after water.

Usually the dose of water is less than water mixed with Euranno. It's natural that the long black taste is stronger than Easyno. However, both of them can be served both in cold and hot conditions.

Because the way the presentation is different, the position of the crema that appears is different. It should be noted that the crema is a cream or often called a coffee crown, which is an old yellow foam that appears on the surface of the dollar.

Crema in the long black will be on the surface of the cup because the nutmeg is at the end. Meanwhile, crema Asylano is almost absent or lost because it is overwritten with hot water. But sometimes crema appears in each coffee.

Crema on long black is usually brown, while in unexpected colors it is brighter and even barely visible.

Sometimes the presentation of Zapano coffee and long black is different because it uses a cup size that is not the same. Azielno recitation usually uses a larger glass measuring 8 oz or the equivalent of 240 ml. There are even coffee shops that use larger cups, namely 15 oz or approximately 450 ml. This presentation depends on taste.

Meanwhile, in long black, it uses a smaller or usually only 1 size of a cup. This happens because the dose of water is often the same, depending on the coffee shop policy.

Those are some differences between Eropa and long black. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.