Tonight, Homecoming Backflows Start Crowding The National Cross Gentong - Tasikmalaya Line
TASIKMALAYA - On Tuesday night, April 25, the Tasikmalaya City Police recorded that the volume of return flow vehicles on the national route across Gentong, Tasikmalaya Regency to Garut and Bandung, West Java began to rise so that occasionally a one-way system was applied to unravel congestion in the Tasikmalaya area.
Head of the Tasikmalaya City Police Traffic Unit, AKP Tejo Reno Indratno, said the results of the evaluation of the volume of vehicles for backflow from Tasikmalaya to Garut had occurred since Monday (24/4), then Tuesday morning until late at night there was a density of vehicles.
"The current condition of the return flow from the evaluation of the volume of vehicles tonight has increased compared to the number of vehicles yesterday, especially from the direction of Tasikmalaya to Garut or Bandung," said Tejo, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 25.
He said the increase in the volume of vehicles from backflow on the Gentong route to Garut was 40 percent, recorded as far as 18.00 WIB, 26 thousand vehicles passed, while the day before for 24 hours there were 18 thousand vehicles.
The volume of the calculated vehicle, he said, is based on the analysis that there are still many homecoming vehicles that have not carried out backflow travel activities, so that their staff will continue to be prepared to anticipate traffic jams on the Tasikmalaya route.
"We anticipate it because from the analysis data, the number of vehicles has not touched a very high number, so we anticipate it for the following days," said Tejo.
He conveyed the obstacles on the Tasikmalaya route to Garut across Gentong, namely the incline, then the narrowing of the road from Gentong to Malangbong, resulting in vehicle congestion.
The way the police act, he said, is to implement an open and close system or one direction with a priority scale at this time the flow back from the direction of Tasikmalaya to Garut.
"The main obstacle is around Gentong because this is a incline, then the narrowing of the lane towards Malangbong," he said.
He added that so far the main route from Tasikmalaya to Garut can still be controlled to be crossed by vehicles that want to travel back and forth.
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Efforts to divert the flow of vehicles to alternative routes, he said, have not been carried out, the police are still prioritizing the main road across Gentong to be crossed by motorized vehicles.
"Today there is no diversion, we prioritize the main road," he concluded.