Vehicle Queues On The Puncak-Cianjur Route Reach 18 Kilometers, Traffic Jams Up To Eight Hours

CIANJUR- Tens of thousands of vehicles stuck in traffic jams on the Cianjur homecoming route, West Java, with a queue tail of about 18 kilometers. This queue has not moved for eight hours due to the denseness of vehicles, especially two-wheeled vehicles that go in and out of lanes within the Bogor Police jurisdiction. An Antara reporter on the main route of Puncak reported that the queue of vehicles heading towards Bogor and so on has been seen since Monday afternoon, April 24, so officers had carried out a one-way opening and closing system from Bogor to Cianjur. However, the system did not produce results. The queue of vehicles from both directions continues to be elongated, even an extension of the time the one-way system from Cianjur to Bogor was applied by officers until Monday night. However, again, these efforts were unable to disburse queues that extend up to tens of kilometers. The four-wheeled vehicles were stuck for up to eight hours on the main Puncak-Cianjur route, with the speed of vehicles not moving plus from late afternoon until the evening it rained heavily, so the police closed the route towards Puncak from the Gentur-By Pass Lamp Monument Roundabout to be precise. The officers directed vehicles to Bogor and Jakarta destinations, to take the alternative route Jonggol and Sukabumi from Bandung-Cianjur direction, as an effort to anticipate total traffic continuing to be extended and immobile.

Kasat Lantas Polres Cianjur, AKP Anaga Budiharso, mengatakan berbagai upaya sudah dilakukan pihak kepolisian termasuk berkoordinasi dengan Polres Bogor, untuk diberlakukan sistem satu arah dari Cianjur atau sebaliknya dari Bogor, namun tidak membuahkan hasil."Untuk kendaraan roda dua volume-nya terus bertambah melintas dari kedua arah dengan tujuan berwisata dan pemudik yang terlambat pulang diperparah dengan arus balik dengan roda dua yang hendak kembali ke perantauan mulai membaur," katanya.Sehingga upaya lain yang dilakukan pihak kepolisian, menutup jalur menuju Puncak mulai dari kota Cianjur dan mengarahkan pengendara untuk mengambil jalur alternatif Jonggol dan Sukabumi, hanya warga lokal yang diizinkan melintas."Kami bersama Polres Bogor masih berupaya untuk mencairkan antrean yang sudah terjadi sejak siang hingga Senin malam. Harapan kami antrean dapat mencair sebelum tengah malam," katanya.