Gibran About Motorcyclists Disturbing Pamer Bringing Swords: Dare To Go Through Solo I'll Kill It!

JAKARTA - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka admitted that he would take firm action against criminals who are troubling the community. Including residents who are reckless in public facilities to roads.

This was said by Gibran in response to a video containing two motorcyclists carrying swords on the highway. One of the sharp weapons was deliberately dragged to the asphalt in the middle of a motorbike that was driving, causing a noisy sound.

Netizens who uploaded the video questioned whether the number plate of AD 6443 GE used by the driver in the video came from Solo. However, Gibran straightened it out.

"If you look at the plate, it looks like Sragen. Not Solo," Gibran said on his Twitter account, @gibran_tweet, Sunday, April 16.

However, Gibran will not remain silent. The report from one of the netizens will be followed up.

"I will still look for Gpp (that's okay)," said the son of President Joko Widodo.

Gibran also emphasized all the crimes he knew would be

Gibran admitted that he would not cooperate with the actions of crime. According to him, those who endanger the property, objects and lives of the people of Solo will be dealt with.

"Dare to go through Solo, I'll wake you up!" he said.