How To Lower Cholesterol After Eating Opor Which Is Warmed Several Times
YOGYAKARTA Lebaran is very synonymous with opor or food servings with concentrated coconuts which if consumed excessively can trigger an increase in cholesterol in the body. To anticipate this, it would be nice to know how to lower cholesterol after eating opor.
It should be noted that opor is one of the typical foods of Eid which can trigger an increase in cholesterol. When you eat a plate of chicken opor (246 gr), it is estimated that 392 calories enter the body. If the number of calories continues to accumulate, health problems will arise.
It must also be noted that chicken opor becomes unhealthy after the food is heated several times until it boils. This braking process is able to convert fatty acids into saturated fats that trigger cholesterol.
The effects of eating high opors of saturated fat are the emergence of heart health problems, blockage of blood vessels, to stroke. To minimize health problems after eating opor, you can pay attention to the following ways.
To prevent cholesterol skyrocketing during Eid, you are advised to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eating high fiber is able to withstand bad cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, fiber food has an impact on the effect of being full longer so that you don't get hungry easily and don't eat too much opor.
You can eat several vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, beans, celery, and so on. The addition of these vegetables in the Eid culinary menu will also help reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
As for the fruit, you can eat tomatoes, apples, guava, and so on.
Sports habits are very good for the health of the body, especially if you are consuming a lot of unhealthy foods. Regular exercise can trigger the release of enzymes that play a role in expelling bad cholesterol in the blood. When the body gets a lot of fat, exercise can be a powerful way to burn the fat.
Plant stokol ester is food made from plant-based foodstuffs such as wheat, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Consumption of this food is able to prevent an increase in cholesterol in the body. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) recommends that people consume 2 grams of stokol ester plant per day.
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You can specifically consume fresh cucumber. Because cucumber contains natural soluble fiber or ektin. The fiber is able to help the body lower bad cholesterol. You can consume cucumber by pressing or eating it directly as an example.
A month during fasting, people usually consume more sugary drinks than water. Worse yet, the habit of drinking sugar continues until Lebaran. To avoid health problems, drink more water. Choose fresh water instead of ice cream or drinks that contain sugar and soda.
Omega-3 fatty acids are able to help reduce evil in the body. In addition, omega-3 is able to reduce blood pressure. Some of the foods that contain this substance are salmon meat, Mercedes, herring, walnuts, and hemp seeds.
Those are some ways to lower cholesterol after eating opor. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.