Chronology Of Mario Lawalata's Father's Death, Heart Disease For 7 Years

JAKARTA - The death of Mario Lawalata's father, Alex Polii, left deep sorrow for his extended family. Before he died on Monday, April 10, the Minahasa-blooded man was known to have suffered from illness for years.

Indah, the wife of the deceased when confirmed the cause of Mario Lawalata's father's death, said that the death of the late Alex Polli was caused by several illnesses he had experienced over the past seven years.

"Incidentally, you have a disease for a long time, there are about 7 years. Heart disease, sugar, bile are also gone. He has also been installed with a ring," said Indah to the media crew at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital Funeral Home, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, April 11.

Indah said the result of her husband's illness made the deceased's condition really worse recently, until finally the deceased breathed his last.

"The situation is getting worse and worse. But what got worse this year," said Indah.

In addition, the brother of Gideon Tengker explained that Bahea's death occurred at their private residence in Bekasi, West Java.

Initially, they decided to take the deceased to the nearest hospital, but unfortunately Alex Polii could not be helped so that he was declared dead by the medical authorities.

"Died at the Summerecon Bekasi regional house, not in the hospital. Then I took my child to the nearest hospital, Anna Medika," said Indah.

"Indeed, I told my son 'papi is gone' (at home). But my son is not sure, he will be taken to the nearest hospital," he continued.

It is known that the late Alex Polii was planned to be buried on Wednesday, April 12 tomorrow. It's just that the location of the funeral has not been conveyed in more detail by the family, considering that they are still discussing with the children of the late Alex Polii regarding the burial place.