Pertamina Adds Motorized Fleet Ahead of 2023 Eid Mudik, Total 390 Units

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga has added a fleet of motorbikes carrying fuel oil (BBM) along the 2023 homecoming route.

Marketing Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo Putra, in his presentation, said that Pertamina is adding to its fleet from the previous 290 to 390 motorbikes.

"This is the most so far, we are only 290, this year we are adding 100 more," said Mars in a Press Conference on the implementation of the Ramadhan and Idul Fitri National Command Post for the ESDM Sector, Monday, April 10.

The addition of this fleet is intended to help travelers who run out of fuel during the trip.

Pertamina, he said, has several programs to ensure the availability of fuel stocks ahead of and during Lebaran homecoming by building up stock at gas station outlets so that people have no trouble getting fuel.

"We anticipate that when going home, one of the crucial things is moving fuel to gas stations by tanker. We have coordinated with the National Police so that this process will have an escort," explained Mars Ega.

In addition, his party has prepared 201 points that provide pocket gas stations.

Pocket Gas Stations are tank cars provided outside gas stations.

"This means that tankers are on standby at 200 points around Java and parts of South Sumatra. The hope is that they can speed up supplies to gas stations if there is a spike in demand at certain gas stations," concluded Mars Ega.