2,459 Personnel Secure Easter Celebrations At 853 Churches In Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok To Tangerang

A total of 2,459 personnel were alerted by the Polda Metro Jaya to secure the 2023 Easter service series. The personnel will secure 853 churches in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.

"Perayaan Tri Hari Suci, pengamanan selama perayaan Jumat Agung dan Easter. Pengamanan sebanyak 2.459 personel. Total 853 Church," kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko kepada wartawan, Jumat, 7 April.

Trunoyudo also said that apart from the police, TNI personnel and other stakeholders helped. The goal is to ensure that the worship procession runs smoothly and without obstacles.

"Polda Metro Jaya collaboration is also with the TNI and other stakeholders including security parties from places of worship at the church for the smooth running of worship," he said.

He detailed the number of personnel deployed, starting from Central Jakarta as many as 402 personnel were deployed to guard 97 churches, in North Jakarta 237 personnel guarding 137 churches, South Jakarta 89 personnel for 12 churches, West Jakarta 404 personnel guarding 179 churches.

Meanwhile in East Jakarta 360 personnel guarding 170 churches, South Tangerang 441 personnel for 57 churches, Bekasi City 322 personnel guarding 113 churches, Depok 198 personnel for 88 churches and Tangerang City prepared a bomb disposal team (jibom).