Sad News, Tissa Biani's Father Dies

JAKARTA - Artist Tissa Biani is grieving. His father, Bobby Begjo Warasno, died on Sunday, April 2.
Through his Instagram account, Dul Jaelani's lover revealed the news of his father's death at the age of 55.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un, has passed away to Rahmatullah, Bobby Begjo Warasno bin Miet Soemitra, husband of Dian Estining Adhi, father of Alita Biani and Tissa Biani at the age of 55," reads the text uploaded by Tissa Biani on Insta Story, Sunday, April 2.
In another upload, Tissa showed a photo when she took her late father to his final resting place. In front of the 20-year-old actress, the father's grave was also sprinkled with flowers.
Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun. Goodbye, PAPA," Tiisa wrote in the caption of her upload.
Remembering the beautiful moment with his father, Tissa Biani also uploaded a moment when she was in the holy land together.
The actress's upload also received a response from many Indonesian artists. They expressed their condolences for the passing of Tissa's father.
"Alita, Tissa and Mama Tissa, may the fortitude and charity of the deceased be accepted by Allah SWT," wrote Adinda Thomas, Tissa' co-star at the KKN in Penari Village.
"Tissa is sorry, dear, may the deeds of worship of papah be accepted by Allah, and you, brother, mother are given fortitude," wrote Prilly Latuconsina in the comments column.
"My deepest condolences Tissa and family," wrote Angga Yunanda.
"My deepest condolences, Tissa Biani and family," wrote Chicco Jerikho.