Ministry Of Industry: Prohibition Of Imports Of Used Clothes So Momentum For Lifting Domestic Products

JAKARTA - Plt. The Director General of Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Textile Industries (IKFT) of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Ignatius Warsito said, with the prohibition of imports of used clothing and imported buying activities (thrifting) is an opportunity to lift domestic products. "We support the existence and control of this threat (import) so that it can be a good example for all of us how we can lift domestic products by minimizing this threat, even if there can be no more (importing) threatening in Indonesia," said Warsito after opening a textile and garment industry exhibition in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 29. As an effort to reduce the number of imports of used clothes, he continued, the Ministry of Industry has discussed with the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), the Ministry of Finance in this case the Director General of Customs and Excise to tighten the entry of these used goods from upstream. Furthermore, Warsito is aware of the existence of a Thrifting segment, so it is necessary to make substitution efforts to fill the voids of segments that have been prohibited. this activity with local products. "I believe that what is predicted is the target may be that has speciality, the segment is special. So this is trying to enter with a special segment so that it can enter with good quality, with good design how good it is. And Indonesia has it all, "he said. From the perspective of supervision and prosecution, Warsito also said that there was already an Officer Unit (Satgas) formed to handle illegal import activities of this used clothing.

Therefore, he continued, it is only necessary to optimize the participation of cross-ministerial and institutional collaborations to combat the entry of illegal used clothing into Indonesia.

Previously reported, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that the import activity of used clothes greatly disturbed the development of the domestic industry. "I have ordered to look for it right and every two days many people have met. It disturbs the domestic textile industry," said President Joko Widodo.