The Perpetrators Of The Stabbing Of Former KY Jaja Ahmad In Bandung Tunggangi Beat Putih, Allegedly Numbered 1 Person

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, said that the perpetrator of the stabbing of the former Chairman of the Judicial Commission (KY) Jaja Ahmad Jayus was riding a white motorbike. It is strongly suspected that there was one perpetrator."The perpetrator is suspected of using a white automatic Honda beat carbo motorbike," Ibrahim explained when contacted by VOI, Monday, March 28 evening.The stabbing took place at the victim's house GBA 2 block F number 2 and block F-29, Bandung Regency at around 15.00 WIB.Not only Jaja Ahmad, the daughter concerned, Rahmi Dwi Utami also became a victim. According to police statement, Rahmi Dwi was also stabbed while trying to intervene."The victim was injured in the head and back of the neck. Currently the victim is being taken to the hospitalMayapada by the residents, "explained Ibrahim.Ibrahim explained that the incident began when the victim wanted to go to his house using an HR-V car.However, when he arrived in front of the house, when the victim got out of the vehicle, suddenly the perpetrator came on a motorbike and attacked him."“ Allegedly the victim has been stalked by the perpetrator from outside. Arriving in front of the house, the victim got out of the car and would get into the house, immediately attacked by the perpetrator, ” he said.