All The Facts About Mysterious Monoliths Similar To 2001: The Space Oddyssey Found In Utah So Far

JAKARTA - A team of biologists found a strange metal monolith in the wild around Utah, United States (US). They themselves don't know where it came from.

"One of the biologists was the one who saw it and we happened to fly directly over it," pilot Bret Hutchings, who flew a helicopter over the site, told local news station KSLTV.

"He's like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around,'" he added. "And I was like, 'what.' And he's like, 'There's something back there, we've got to see it!' ”

Quoting The Guardian, Wednesday, November 25, the discovery of a strange metal monolith in the middle of the wilderness of Utah sparked real-world intrigue. The discovery then draws a comical comparison with Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

"I assumed it was a new artist or something, or, you know, someone great and a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey," said Hutchings.

The monolith is also compared to the work of a minimalist sculptor, including that of the artist John McCracken, who died in 2011. Gallery spokesman David Zwirner said the mysterious object was not one of his works and they suspected "it was the work of a fellow artist paying tribute to him. McCracken. "


One thing that is known is that without authorization, it is illegal to install buildings or artwork on public land that is managed by the federal government. This was conveyed by the Utah Department of Public Security.

The discoverer said it did not plan to reveal the exact location of the object because the monolith was found in a very remote area. And if anyone tries to visit the area, there is a high chance of being stranded and in need of rescue.

However, the alert doesn't stop Reddit users from identifying its possible existence. They also discuss theories about how it got there and why.


In this enlarged photo of the structure, Reddit users note there is a line at the bottom showing a rock saw had been used to place it on the ground and appears to be held together with screws. That dispels the theory that the monolith is a large lump of metal.

The structure also caused controversy in the world of geography, which challenged the Utah government using the word "monolith" to describe the object. A monolith is technically made of stone, whereas these slabs appear to be made of metal.

Merriam Webster's Dictionary, however, allows a looser interpretation of monoliths as "massive structures" and it is the word used to describe the structure that Stanley Kubrick popularized in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

It may only be a matter of time until the crowd shows up to take selfies of such an unusual construction. But please note this monolith is difficult to visit. This is due to its dangerous location and the possibility of disturbing wildlife if there are many visitors.