Din Syamsuddin: The Damage To The State Is Already Third Level, The Impact Is Obstructing Community Justice

JAKARTA - The Presidium of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) Din Syamsuddin said that Indonesia's current condition has suffered damage to the third level. This condition is said to hinder the realization of public justice and will undermine the sovereignty of the state.

Din said the first level of damage was seen in the existence of deviations and abuses of the country's basic values. This has an impact on the second level of damage, namely the attempt at constitutional dictatorship or developing power through the making of regulations such as laws.

"It is very strong, very oriented towards the power of one person. So apart from political oligarchy, economic oligarchy. Now Indonesia is an autocracy, not a democracy. Autocracy is a power centered on one person. Centralism is democracy, a centralized democracy like before," Din said when conveying his speech. remarks at the WE Declaration event in Jambi online before being disbanded, Friday, 30 October.

The third level of damage, said Din, is the arrogance of power because he feels he is the most righteous. This then led to political behavior that displayed arrogance and, according to him, seen today. Evidently, when all parties, including the two largest and oldest religious organizations in Indonesia, asked that the 2020 Pilkada be postponed, the government did not heed it.

"It is considered the wind. Maybe it is the principle of letting the dogs bark the caravan away," he said.

Another example touched on is the ratification of the work creation Omnibus Law. Even though the people have asked that this law be canceled because they are not considered pro-people, the government has done the opposite, namely by providing a red carpet for investment.

"So in short, there are three levels of damage in Indonesia, multilevel distraction. So it is no longer a second rank but a third rank and the field increases again. This will damage the sovereignty of the country and hinder the realization of public justice," he said.

On this basis, Din and a number of other figures declared WE to rally the power of the people and correct things that were not working properly.

"There must be the power of the people to rise up to correct, WE are here for that. Therefore, OUR moral movement must not stop, we continue to voice how big the obstacle is," he said.

Din did not deny that WE had become a major influencer in Indonesia and caused fear for certain parties. He dared to call this coalition a big stream because there are already many regions that have also declared this movement apart from DKI Jakarta. There are a number of areas which he said had made a declaration, namely East Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, West Java, Banten, South Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan, South Sumatra, and Lampung.

Then there were also declarations made in North Sumatra and West Sumatra. Not only that, the declaration of support for this coalition also occurred in a number of countries such as the United States, Australia and Europe.

"This then makes other people shocked, makes certain parties then perceive US as a big danger. Even though we intend for this nation and country to straighten the Qibla," he concluded.