
PEKANBARU - A Joint Team from the TNI, Polres, as well as the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Rokan Hulu Regency (Rohul), Riau carried out a 20-hectare forest and land fire extinguishing (karhutla) in Puah Village, Bonai Darussalam District and a fire in peatlands reached a depth of 10 meters. "The Puluhan members of the Rohul Police together with the TNI and BPBD have been cooling for a long time at the location and even reached four days. The combined team extinguished until late," said Head of the Rokan Hulu Police, AKBP Budi Setiyono, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday 22 June.Api, said Budi, had been extinguished but they were still at the location to carry out cooling on the ground and remain at the location to ensure the smoke was lost and the area of the burned 20 hectares. Budi explained that the fire in Pauh had occurred since last Sunday at around 14.00 WIB. At that time the first hotspot came from Pangkalan Ribut Village, Bengkalis District, and Buluh Apuh District, Pinggir District. "Then the fire spread to the land belonging to Holit Sihombing in Pauh Village, Bonai Darussalam District, Rohul. After receiving information on the fire of my land and the Bonai Kapolsek went directly to the location with the members," said Budi. As long as four days, Budi said, the team members admitted that they did not return to their respective homes but chose to stay at the location to keep out to keep the fire in order to prevent the fire from extending more wide. Budi also tried to break the fire because the burning land type of peat was dry with the inward reaches 10 meters and peats had the potential to store the coal. "Therefore, the team brought a number of outage equipment in the form of 2 mini-tohanced machines, 15 mini strikers, nozel 12 pieces and two units of heavy equipment," he said. The police continued to coordinate with BPBD Riau to carry out water bombing with two helicopters. The team also tried to break off the hot points by making a block canal (partite) along 721 meters with the

When extinguishing the fire until late at night, he said they faced problems with maximum cooling on the burned land, due to very hot weather conditions and strong winds, networks or signals were not supportive so that the Lancang Kuning Dashboard was not monitored. "Hopefully all the hotspots have been extinguished and only need to make cooling efforts by deploying maximum spraying personnel," said Budi.

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