
The damage to Parung Panjang road was caused by a viral mining truck on social media. Related to this, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing also opened its voice.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja said that the damaged road in question is a provincial road and is not a national road, so it is the authority of the local government (Pemda). He said the Ministry of PUPR could propose that the road be entered into the Regional Road Inpres (IJD).

"So, from this PUPR, it can be proposed to enter the IJD," said Endra when answering VOI's question at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Monday, November 20.

However, Endra said, there needs to be a first solution to the mining truck track. Because, if the mining road has not been built by the entrepreneurs, the public road will be damaged again when it is repaired.

"But what must be resolved first is the mining road. If there is no mining road, yes, it will be damaged again because heavy trucks are passed. This, right, mix traffic between public roads and special roads for mining trucks," he said.

Therefore, Endra suggested that the provincial government and the relevant district governments immediately resolve the problems related to the special mining road.

Endra admitted that there were frequent accidents on the road, but he also emphasized that the PUPR Ministry could not immediately make improvements.

"That, right, there are indeed many accidents, we are also monitoring from the media, but, right, in our authority we cannot enter there. Well, the local government (should) encourage mining entrepreneurs or with schemes that can indeed be agreed between the two parties to build their mining roads," said Endra.

"Well, that's what the road is generally proposed to us, later the minister will decide to handle it with the IJD," he added.

Furthermore, said Endra, until now his party has not received a proposal regarding this matter. According to him, because the road concerns the interests of many people, the relevant provincial government can propose the damaged road to enter the IJD through the Ministry of PUPR.

"As far as I know the proposal has not been submitted, but that, right, because it involves the lives of many people, there is an accident there, the traffic is big, I think the provincial government can propose it to us," he added.

As previously reported, residents of Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency, who are members of Parung Panjang Bersatu protested and demanded the implementation of Bogor Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 120 of 2021 regarding the limitation on the operational time of mining transportation vehicles.

They wanted to take to the streets because the Perbup was not implemented so that the road problem got worse.

"The Perbup was not implemented. The Regent must be responsible. How come Perbup is not implemented. There are already hours. From noon, no one can pass (mining vehicles) but pass by. That's just a silent officer, why? Can't work, what's wrong? We don't know," said Chairman of Parung Panjang Bersatu Ule Sulaeman in his statement, Monday, November 20.

Therefore, he said, Parungpanjang residents held demonstrations around the sub-district office. The action was carried out so that Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan looked to the Parung Panjang area which was indeed at the end of the border with Tangerang Regency, Banten.

According to Ule, the regulations made must be implemented by the relevant regional apparatus, cannot be submitted back to the community.

"Right, the Perbup should be like this, made perbup, the device already exists. It airs a lot of hours, meaning who has to wait. Don't hand it over again to the community. 'People have to help', that can't be done. Perbup must be carried out by them," he said.

In addition to asking for the enforcement of the Bogor Perbup Number 120 of 2021, they also demanded the realization of a special mining toll road. Then, asked to repair and make lighting on Jalan Raya Sudamanik, Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency.

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