JAKARTA - Bank DKI and Perumda Pasar Jaya make it easier to manage payments for market traders through online-based cash registers (mobilepoint of sale / POS).
"This is done in order to realize digitalization in markets in Jakarta," said Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, November 18.
Arie said that through this collaboration, it is hoped that traders and market visitors can transact non-cash easily and safely.
In addition, he continued, traders will find it easier to record daily transactions.
This includes a number of markets in DKI Jakarta to digitize markets such as Santa Market, Grass Market, Kedoya Market, Koja Market, Klender Perumnas, Kebayoran Lama Market, and Ciracas Market.
"The market will continue to be expanded in line with Bank DKI's vision to support Jakarta's growth through the development of MSMEs, ease of transactions and realizing a non-cash transaction system," he said.
Previously, the Director of Technology & Operations concurrently Assignment (Plt.) President Director of Bank DKI Amirul Wicaksono attended the Synergy of the DKI Jakarta Forum regarding efforts to realize digital transactions for market traders.
Amirul said digitization is one of the unavoidable aspects, especially in the need for daily transactions.
اقرأ أيضا:
"Bank DKI has presented a non-cash payment ecosystem through the JakOne Abank application, JakOne Merchant, implementation of payments through QRIS, to digitizing payments in other facilities in the market environment as a form of support for market traders/MSME actors," said Amirul during the Synergy of the DKI Jakarta Forum.
Through this activity, Bank DKI and Pasar Jaya carry the theme 'Maximize Market Role as Regional Economic Hearts'.
The forum is also a discussion event for all holders of positions because it was attended by a number of officials from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and around 300 business actors consisting of the head of the market and traders from 153 markets in Jakarta.
The signing of this collaboration was carried out by the Director of Technology & Operations concurrently the Acting Director (Plt) of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono and the President Director of Perumda Pasar Jaya, Agus Himawan during the Synergy for the DKI Jakarta Forum.
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