
YOGYAKARTA - News is circulating that the government is currently conducting a review regarding the salaries of Civil Servants (PNS) who will refer to the income, aka the highest salary from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) employees. Responding to this, many have asked, about how much is the comparison between the salaries of civil servants and BUMN employees?

It is undeniable that currently many people aspire to be accepted from work as Civil Servants and BUMN employees. This can be said to be reasonable because considering that both promise prosperity and benefits that are so tempting. Of course, both of them already have good prospects and have very attractive benefits and wages.

The reason is, based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 16 of 2019 related to Adjusting the Basic Salaries of Civil Servants, the salaries of these civil servants are divided into several groups. Let's go into details:

Civil Servant Salaries

Civil Servant Class I

Civil Servant Group I A: IDR 1.56 million to IDR 2.33 million per month Civil Servant Class I B: IDR 1.7 million to IDR 2.47 million per month Civil Servant Class I C: IDR 1.77 million to IDR 2.57 million per month Civil Servant Class I D: IDR 1.85 million to IDR 2.68 million per month

Salaries Of Civil Servants Class II

Civil Servant Group II A: IDR 2.02 million to IDR 3.37 million per month Civil Servant Class II B: IDR 2.2 million to IDR 3.51 million per month Civil Servant Class II C: IDR 2.3 million to IDR 3.66 million per month Civil Servant Group II D: IDR 2.39 million to IDR 3.82 million per month

Salaries Of Civil Servants Group III

Civil Servant Group III A: IDR 2.57 million to IDR 4.23 million per month Civil Servant Class III B: IDR 2.68 million to IDR 4.41 million per month Civil Servant Category III C: IDR 2.8 million to IDR 4.6 million per month Civil Servant Category III D: IDR 2.92 million to IDR 4.79 million per month

Salaries Of Civil Servants Group IV

Civil Servant Group IV A: IDR 3.04 million to IDR 5 million per month

Civil Servant Group IV B: IDR 3.17 million to IDR 5.21 million per month Civil Servant Class IV C: IDR 3.3 million to IDR 5.43 million per month Civil Servant Group IV D: IDR 3.44 million to IDR 5.66 million per month Civil Servant Category IV E: IDR 3.59 million to IDR 5.9 million per month

There is good news for this year's Civil Servant Group, it is reported that the government will plan to change the civil servant payroll scheme based on the performance of each State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

According to information from the Deputy for Human Resources of the Ministry of PANRB Apparatus Alex Denni, it is said that the assessment of civil servants will be carried out not only in an organization or group, but also based on individuals. In the future, the assessment is expected to be able to optimize the performance of civil servants.

"Later we will demand professionalism. Management of ASN performance through the PANRB Ministerial Regulation which is being promulgated and the number has been released, we will soon socialize it," said Alex.

BUMN Employee Salaries

Meanwhile, for the income of BUMN employees, it is sourced on several job seek sites and salaries, the income of PT Pertamina (Persero) employees, for example, ranges from IDR 5 million to IDR 37 million per month depending on what position.

BUMN Employee Salaries At PT Pertamina

For example, the position of site engineer earns approximately IDR 30 million to IDR 33 million per month. Meanwhile, income is in the range of IDR 19 million to IDR 21 million.

On the other hand, analyst levels pay IDR 10 million to IDR 37 million, IT specialists IDR 19 million to IDR 21 million, managers IDR 15 million to IDR 16 million, and staff IDR 5 million to IDR 6 million.

BUMN Employee Salaries At PT Bank Mandiri

Meanwhile, the income of BUMN employees at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk ranges from Rp. 3 million to Rp. 74 million per month. The frontliner position earns Rp. 3 million to Rp. 4 million per month.

The management training position (MT) and the official development program (ODP) pay IDR 6 million per month. The position of staff earns IDR 10 million, internal auditors IDR 10 million to IDR 11 million, managers IDR 27 million to IDR 30 million, and branch managers can reach IDR 68 million to IDR 74 million per month.

BUMN Employee Salaries At PT Telkom Indonesia

For employees of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, the salary range is greater. The management training position ranges from IDR 7 million to IDR 8 million per month.

The staff positions range from Rp. 8 million, senior managers Rp. 39 million to Rp. 43 million, strategic investment managers Rp. 58 million to Rp. 62 million, and producer managers can reach Rp. 88 million to Rp. 94 million per month.

So if you conclude that based on the comparison from the salary of civil servants and also the salary of BUMN employees, it is still winning BUMN according to their role and rank. So if the salaries of civil servants can reach up to tens of millions later, what do you think about it?

So after knowing the comparison of salaries of civil servants and BUMN employees, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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