
JAKARTA - PT Nestle Indonesia confirmed the news of a layoff (PHK) against 126 employees at the Kejayan Factory, Pasuruan, East Java.

The termination of employment was revealed by the Federation of Food and Beverage Workers Unions (FSBMM).

Nestle Indonesia's management said this policy was carried out because the company was making business adjustments so that it became more agile and efficient that it could continue to provide opportunities to continue to grow in the future.

"As a result of this change, with regret, several roles of employees will be affected," wrote Nestle Indonesia Management's official statement, Tuesday, November 14.

The company also ensures that it will do its best to minimize the impact of this change on employees and ensure that there are no disturbances in its services to consumers and business partners.

"Nestmen Indonesia remains committed to Indonesia's development. We believe this transformation can strengthen our business in Indonesia, and allow us to continue to create common benefits across the country," he said.

Previously, the President of the Federation of Food and Beverage Trade Unions (FSBMM) Dwi Haryoto revealed that PT Nestle Indonesia has communicated a decline in business in the last two weeks and will make efficiency in terms of the number of workers working at the Nestle Kejayan Factory.

Furthermore, Dwi said, this sudden notification of efficiency only occurred for the first time after the Nestle Kejayan Factory was established for 35 years.

In fact, it has an impact on members of SBNIK as many as 126 members were given a Letter of Release from their obligation to work after Entrepreneurs conducted a Townhall Business Update on October 31, 2023.

"This is of course contrary to the principle of recognition and respect for human rights, which should have been, long before the efficiency for constructive dialogue was carried out at least 12 months before efficiency was carried out to be discussed with the Labor Union," said Dwi.

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