
The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) is reviewing the construction of an autonomous train service or Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati said that her party was still discussing the ART system as one of the transportation facilities at IKN.

Including, continued Adita, related to the proposal that there be trams in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN.

"From the Minister of Transportation (Budi Karya Sumadi) there was a discussion about ART (Autonomous Railway Transport), such as trams for IKN's internals, there were also several discussions that way," he said when met at the Ministry of Transportation Office, Jakarta, Monday, November 13.

Even so, Adita emphasized that this proposal is still in the study stage. This includes the needs and technology that will be used in the future.

"Once again, this still has to be studied. But judging from the needs, radius, technology, it seems that ART is also an option for IKN. Yes, that's where it is still being discussed. However, for others, we are still looking at it first, which one is the most appropriate. Adjusted to regional conditions," he said.

In fact, Adita revealed that there was also a study related to the construction of a cable car at IKN. He said the discussion would be carried out with all relevant parties.

"We have also tried exploring cable trains and so on, but once again need to explore again, discussed with the relevant K/L, including Bappenas, PUPR, Authority (IKN). So, it's still under discussion," he said.

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