
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA) or the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association collaborates with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is supported by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) to hold the IISIA Business Forum (IBF) 2023 at ICE BSD, Tangerang, on November 9-11.

This event with the theme 'National Steel Industry for National Independence' is a continuation of the previous event, namely the 2022 IBF.

The purpose of this IBF activity is to show the development of the national steel industry, showing the latest technology for the manufacture of steel, especially technology related to green industry.

Later, together with related parties will discuss and formulate together the development of the national steel industry in the future, finalize the preparation of a roadmap for reducing carbon dioxide or CO2 emissions in the national steel industry towards the Net Zero Emission target, as well as encouraging business matching between members of IISIA and members of KADIN.

Chairman IISIA and President Director of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk Purwono Widodo said that the IBF 2023 theme was in accordance with Indonesia's situation which is facing the complexity of economic challenges, both at the global and national levels, which need to be addressed by the national iron and steel industry to be more resilient and independent, as well as strengthen collaboration and synergy between all parties involved in the advancement of the national steel industry.

"This IBF 2023 event will certainly further strengthen synergy and collaboration

" between industry players, associations, the government, and all relevant stakeholders as drivers of the economy for Indonesia's progress," Purwono said at a press conference at the Kadin Tower, Jakarta, Monday, November 6.

Purwono also expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Industry. So, the 2023 IBF can be held again.

"IISIA would like to thank the Ministry of Industry's support, event participants, sponsors, seminar speakers and talk shows along with other related parties who have provided their support and commitment so that the IBF event

"2023 this year can be held," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki N Hanafi, said that this event was the second participation in the implementation for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with IISIA and the Ministry of Industry.

"We believe that IBF 2023 has an important role in strengthening synergy and collaboration among industry players and also the government," he said.

According to the plan, the IBF 2023 activity will be opened directly by the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita and attended by related officials.

For your information, this year's IBF was attended by more than 90 participants from national companies, foreign companies, ministries, associations, educational institutions, and also invited MSMEs to participate in enlivening this event.

At IBF 2023, 11 keynote speakers will be presented from several ministries, 6 associate speakers, 5 international speakers, and 2 academic speakers.

This activity is also supported by 50 sponsors, both from national companies and international companies. In addition to exhibitions, the IBF 2023 activities also consist of seminars and talk shows with expert speakers, practitioners, and professionals in the national steel industry ecosystem, national and international steel technology product exhibitions, IISIA's cooperation follow-up to industry associations and professions in increasing the use of domestic steel products, as well as green infrastructure design competitions.

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