
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that until October 2023, the achievement of Certification of Transmigration Land Ownerships had an area of 140,590.72 hectares and land registration or PTSL reached 9,173,953 hectares.

As part of the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Meeting (RPJMN), Agrarian Reform has a target of up to 9 million hectares consisting of asset arrangement and access arrangement

Airlangga conveyed that as a consideration for the urgency of agrarian reform, the government evaluates the implementation, resolution of obstacles, and follow-up to breakthroughs to accelerate achievements through the Agrarian Reform National Working Meeting (Rakernas).

"This Agrarian Reform has a direct impact on the community's economy where the per capita income of Agrarian Reform recipients will increase by 20.02 percent in 2022," Airlangga said in a press conference, Tuesday, October 31.

Furthermore, Airlangga explained that there are still several aspects that need to be improved regarding the implementation of Agrarian Reform.

On this occasion, the government also launched Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2023 concerning the acceleration of the implementation of agrarian reforms as an effort to accelerate the achievement of the agrarian reform target.

Airlangga said the government had prepared 4 policy breakthroughs, namely the provision of Land for Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA), especially from forest areas, resolving agrarian conflicts, strengthening agrarian reform institutions, and accelerating the implementation of asset structuring and access.

"Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2023 is expected to be able to encourage the realization of agrarian reforms, namely related to the program for land certification for transmigration and land redistribution from the release of the Forest Area," he said.

In addition to strengthening regulations, the government is also trying to increase the effectiveness of agrarian data reform integration through the formation of the Bhumi GTRA system.

Airlangga said the Bhumi-GTRA system is a platform to integrate asset structuring and access activities, by referring to the conceptual Land Management Paradigm (LMP) model which is a feature of the Bhumi ATR/BPN page.

In the summit of GTRA Summit Karimun 2023, it was agreed upon by the Karimun Declaration to realize the resolution of the settlement of settlement assets on water, small islands and outer islands.

Furthermore, the resolution of agrarian conflicts in BMN/BMD assets, BMN/BMD which are controlled by the community, resolution of the resolution of the problem of transmigration land, and resolution of land redistribution from the release of forest areas.

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