The Ministry Of PUPR Calls The Young Generation Productive In Helping To Realize A Developed Indonesia
Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of PUPR Zainal Fatah (photo: dock. VOI)


JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that the productive young generation is part of realizing an advanced Indonesia.

"I believe that the graduates of Universitas 17 (Untag) Semarang as a productive generation will be part of realizing an Advanced Indonesia. I also encourage graduates to play an active role in infrastructure development in Indonesia," said Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of PUPR Zainal Fatah in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, October 21.

Zainal said that in the future infrastructure development will continue to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045 and so that Indonesia can get out of the middle income trap.

Moreover, Indonesia has an excess of demographic bonuses, namely that the population of productive age is greater than the population of non-productive age.

Meanwhile, during 2015-2022, the Ministry of PUPR has completed various infrastructure developments and the community has felt the benefits, such as the construction of 36 dams, 1.1 million hectares (ha) of a new irrigation network, 1,809 kilometers (km) of toll roads, 92 percent access to drinking water feasible, and 7.9 million houses through the One Million Houses Program.

Until 2024, the Ministry of PUPR will focus on completing infrastructure development projects and implementing Operations, Maintenance, Optimization and Rehabilitation (OPOR) as well as infrastructure development to support the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

In addition to the physical infrastructure development, skilled human resource development is also the government's top priority program. Including, one of them is human resources in the infrastructure sector.

"Currently, Indonesia still needs many engineers because the ratio of engineering undergraduates in Indonesia is still 5,300 per 1 million population, this figure is below Korea by 25 thousand per 1 million population and Vietnam by 9,000 per 1 million population," said Zainal.

Finally, Zainal reminded graduates so that when they enter the world of work they can instill the soul of fighters who never give up.

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