
JAKARTA - As a bank that is committed to the sustainability and environmental conservation business, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) has actively held various initiatives to reduce carbon emissions through the Danamon Peduli program.

Through the 2023 Environmental Care program, Danamon Region West Java and involving employees as volunteers (D-Volunteers) planted 5,000 mangrove trees and inaugurated the construction of the Mangrove Conservation Center in the Mangrove Forest Area, Karangjaladri Village, Parigi District, Pangandaran Regency.

The inauguration ceremony was held on Saturday, October 14, 2023 and was attended by Lt. Col. Inf. Indra Mardianto Subroto, MIP, Commander of KODIM 0625/Pangandaran; Drs. Trisno, Head of the Pangandaran Regency Environment Service; Letda Laut (T) Junaedi, Commander of the Indonesian Navy POS; Nana Sukrana, S.IP, Parigi Sub-district; AKP Sugiayanto, Head of the Water Police Unit Pangandaran Resor; Junia, Regional Corporate Officer of Bank Danamon Region West Java; Berkah Mangrove Farmers Group Bojongsalawe, and also dozens of Danamon volunteers.

"Danamon has a target to plant 30,000 mangrove trees by 2023 as part of our initiative in reducing carbon emissions and environmental conservation. Pangandaran Bay was chosen to be one of the planting locations because apart from being a conservation effort, we also hope that this mangrove will become an effort to reduce disaster risk. We thank the Pangandaran Regency Government through the Environment and Hygiene Service for initiating the Wet Land Ecosystem Damage Control and Maintenance program involving strategic partners such as farmer groups, fishing groups, academics, community leaders, TNI, and private parties in efforts to plant and maintain mangroves in this area," said Pinastika Junia, Regional Corporate Officer Danamon Region West Java.

Learning from the 2006 Pangandaran tsunami, mangrove conservation continues to be explored. Strong mangrove roots can function as a natural barrier that can absorb and reduce tsunami wave energy. In addition, along with the development of Pangandaran as a tourist spot, a beautiful and ecological ecosystem that is unique for mangroves also provides economic benefits for the local community.

With these various benefits, it is not surprising that public interest, including students and students, to conduct research and study cases regarding mangroves and the surrounding ecosystem, is increasing. Luckily, the Mangrove Farmers Group Berkah Anugrah Bojongsalawe took the initiative to establish the Mangrove Conservation Center. This Hall will become a center of education and understanding for the community regarding the importance of the mangrove forest ecosystem.

"Danamon enthusiastically welcomes this initiative because it is in line with the Company's Social Responsibility program that we run. This education is also a strategic step in protecting the environment and supporting the development and empowerment of the community," explained Pinastika.

With the initiative to plant mangroves and build this conservation center, Danamon hopes that, together with Danamon's strategic partners, they can continue to take active steps in maintaining environmental sustainability and protecting lives, especially around Pangandaran Bay.

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