
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) ensures that the re-management of Lobster Seed Management (BBL), crabs, and crabs, is currently entering the stage of public consultation.

This aims to maintain the sustainability of resources and strengthen the development of cultivation.

Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Effen Martiana said that one of these steps could be seen through the regulation of quota-based BBL capture and KKP efforts in developing BBL cultivation through technology transfer and investment support.

BBL arrests can be made for cultivation. The arrest of BBL is based on the quota for catching BBL.

"The quota for catching BBL is determined by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries based on the potential available fish resources and the number of catches allowed (JTB) taking into account the level of utilization of fish resources," said Effen in a written statement, Friday, October 13.

In addition, BBL arrests are also required to use passive and environmentally friendly fishing gear in accordance with statutory provisions.

"Including the implementation of the arrest of BBL, it is mandatory to have a business license and there is a tiered reporting mechanism, so that it can be closely monitored," he said.

Effen emphasized that this BBL governance prioritizes the development of BBL cultivation, both through cultivation schemes within the Region of Indonesia and outside the Region of Indonesia.

As for the cultivation of BBL which is carried out outside the territory of Indonesia, Effen said, this was carried out with an investment scheme that required investors to cultivate in Indonesia.

According to him, there are several requirements that must be met, such as an agreement between the government and the government of the country of origin of investors, the obligation to form a limited company of Indonesian legal entities, cooperate with BLU Perikanan Budi Daya and obtain BBL from BLU, and carry out the obligation to release BBL as much as two percent per harvest.

"In regulating this BBL cultivation investment, there is a strict procedure whose purpose is for the process of technology transfer so that domestic cultivation is growing," said Effen.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director of Fish Resources Management Aris Budiarto.

Aris said that to encourage the arrest of BBL must be carried out in a sustainable manner.

Therefore, the KKP is currently conducting a joint study with the National Commission for the Study of Fish Resources (KOMNAS KAJISKAN) to determine the potential of available fish resources and JTB, as well as the level of utilization of fish resources that will be used as the basis for determining the BBL capture quota.

"Currently, we are carrying out a joint study with KOMNAS KAJISKAN to determine the quota for catching BBL," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Fish Feed and Drug, Ujang Komaruddin, said that Indonesia has great potential in developing this BBL cultivation.

Apart from the vast land, the existence of this BBL is also abundant in Indonesian waters.

Ujang also invited all stakeholders to develop technology for enlargement and improvement as well as lobster cultivation facilities and infrastructure.

"The potential for lobster cultivation is widespread from Sabang to Merauke. We also have six UPTs specifically assigned to develop cultivation including lobsters," he said.

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