
JAKARTA - As an effort to establish a toll road with character in 2024 throughout Indonesia, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will evaluate and evaluate the quality of toll road and rest area services in 2023.

One of the things that was assessed was the Jakarta-Bandung Toll Road, which was held on Tuesday-Thursday, October 10-12, 2023.

Sudirman's Expert Team/Expert on the Sustainable Toll Road Assessment (JTB) said, in addition to fulfilling the Standard Quality Assessment (SPM) that should be maintained, in 2023 the assessment also emphasizes economic investment to support local products in the area around toll roads.

In addition, there is fulfillment of aspects of gender equality and public concern for toll roads that have been implemented by every Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) as the manager, in order to achieve the Toll for All as a JTB theme this year.

"In accordance with the president's instructions through the Minister of PUPR, MSMEs and local businesses need to be reproduced to improve the quality of toll roads properly. In addition, there needs to be an increase in information on objects that have economic value and tourism around toll roads and rest areas," said Sudirman in his official statement, Friday, October 13.

Expert Team/Expert of JTB Assessment Yuana Sutyowati added, rest areas are integrated with toll support power functions that affect the increase in toll SPM rates. Thus, the quality and value also need to be maintained and improved by BUJT and partners.

"Rest areas have actually had a positive impact on environmental MSMEs, because people are given a venue and better selling access than outside the rest area," he said.

Yuana advises BUJT and partners to cooperate with local governments in conducting various trainings, such as product standardization, halal certification, and processing brand rights.

"To fix MSME kiosks, you can also work with banks with Micro Business Credit (KUR). All of this is to improve the quality of MSMEs and people who sell in rest areas," said Yuana.

Meanwhile, Senior Manager RO 3 of PT Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Agni Mayvinna said that his party continues to strive to maintain and improve SPM from year to year, so that the quality of toll roads will improve.

Starting from beautification, maintenance of toll road complement facilities, to plans to add signatures with local ornaments as a characteristic of the toll road that is managed.

"We also continue to support local branding by providing special tenants for MSMEs for Purwakarta's pottery and batik products. Then, providing Kampoeng MSMEs that sell various local culinary delights, and entertainment by local artists in rest areas," he said.

The sections assessed on the Jakarta-Bandung Toll Road include the Cikampek-Padalarang-Cileunyi section (122.9 km), the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan section (61.715 km), the Soreang-Pasirkoja section (8.15 km) and the Cibitung-Cilincing section (34.7 km).

In addition to PT Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad, BUJT other managers are PT Citra Karya Jabar Tol, PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar, and PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways.

The assessment of the Sustainable Toll Road (JTB) itself will be carried out from June 12, 2023 to November 30, 2023. The results of the assessment will be announced on the 78th Public Works Service Day, on December 3, 2023.

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