
JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki encouraged the startup Aqua-Tech from West Java, eFishery, to penetrate the global market. Teten assessed that the Indonesian aquatic sector must develop wings to foreign countries.

"We are an archipelagic country, we have strength in agriculture and accultural. We no longer want to play at the Asian level, we have to play at the world level. This is not nonsense," said Minister Teten at Sabuga ITB, Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, October 11.

Teten said, there are many superior Indonesian products in the fisheries sector, including shrimp and freshwater fish. He said, eFishery members themselves are also engaged in the freshwater and shrimp sectors. So, it is not impossible that these products can be marketed globally.

"That we can become players in the world for shrimp, then other freshwater fish. With digital technology, it is not impossible, yes, entering has penetration outside Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, CEO and Co-Founder of eFishery Gibran Huzaifah said his party was ready to realize the government's expectations. Given, currently eFishery itself has exported products to America and China.

"Now we are exporting to the US and China, the products are shrimp and are carried out in the fourth quarter. Markets for those two products in America and China are huge," he said.

Gibran said, apart from the two superior products from the eFishery members, there are also products that are currently being matured to penetrate the overseas market. These products are tilapia and catfish.

He emphasized that eFishery will strive so that both products can penetrate the global market such as salmon.

"Salmon is Norway and joins the global market. We want tilapia and catfish like salmon, so that later we will focus on the market downstream," he said.

As for next year, said Gibran, eFishery will penetrate the Indian market. Later, he continued, there will be management stationed in India to fully explore the market and find new members of the eFishery.

"So, in India we will be commercial, we will explore. We want eFishery, this Indonesian company can be useful at the global level," he added.

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