
JAKARTA - Director of Domestic Trade Business Development of the Ministry of Trade Septo Soepriyatno said that the revision of Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007 which regulates the issuance of a Waralabat Registration Certificate (STPW) was carried out in order to advance the national franchise business.

"In order to advance our franchise business, the revised one is the requirement for business actors to receive STPW from the previous minimum of five years, shortened to only three years," Septo said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

Septo explained that the minimum requirement for five years for micro-business actors to run their business is no longer relevant to the current condition of domestic entrepreneurship.

At the same time, he admitted, based on a joint study with the association, these conditions were considered to be an obstacle to the wishes of domestic micro-enterprises to carry out a franchise business scheme.

Based on data inventory by the Ministry of Trade, it is recorded that in 2021 there will be 31,188 micro-enterprises in the country that operate and are able to absorb 53,670 workers, or an increase of 40 percent compared to 2020.

However, he said, of the current number of business outlets, only 142 domestic franchises have STPW, even though there are still many potential businesses to run the business scheme.

"This license is the first step towards a franchise, the proof is that this year it has grown by five percent (STPW Issuance). So this is a solution so that novice entrepreneurs and create a positive business climate," he said.

Septo hopes that business actors will not only grow to develop franchise businesses by opening branches in the country but also abroad.

Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, the number of Indonesian MSMEs that opened franchises abroad until 2023 reached 1,241 units.

Among them are Memories Coffee (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and the United States), Martabak Bossku (Malaysia and Singapore), Bensu Geprek Chicken (Malaysia and Singapore), Soto Betawi H Mamat (Malaysia and Singapore).

"This potential is very wide open, as information technology advances for domestic business actors are increasingly creative and innovative, we support them," he said.

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