
JAKARTA - Synthetic rice has caused a stir in the residents of Sumatra lately. One of them was found in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.

Residents who had consumed the rice admitted that they had a fever and had throat inflammation.

Responding to this, Acting Minister of Agriculture Arief Prasetyo Adi said the problem of finding synthetic rice would be investigated further by the Food Task Force (Satgas).

"Food task force (will trace). We are both. If it is an issue processed, then it will be processed. Don't hesitate. That's a cause for trouble, "said Arief at the Ministry of Agriculture Office, Tuesday, October 10.

Arief assessed that the issue of synthesis rice arose because there were parties who did not like the government's move to import rice. This is because, of the many imported rice that Perum Bulog has disbursed, only a handful have complained about the existence of synthesis rice.

"Now if there is synthetic rice from the Food Task Force, it is clarified, so this is a lot of people who don't like it. Of the millions that Bulog imported, then distributed, only one or two people said it was synthesis rice," he said.

Even if there is synthesis rice, according to Arief, the price will definitely be more expensive than the original rice. Because of the synthesis of rice the main ingredient is plastic.

"Synthesis rice is more expensive. Plastic is more expensive than rice, what to do," he said.

As previously reported, the discovery of allegedly fake rice in Bukittinggi was revealed some time ago in the Campago Ipuh area by a resident.

The rice is strange, different from usual. Too white, hardening and stale quickly, as well as competing, said one resident, Dessi (30).

He admitted that he experienced complications after consuming the allegedly synthetic rice.

"Radang throat, dizziness, and high fever, that's what I felt for two weeks after eating this rice," he said.

The rice, which was purchased at a price of Rp. 5,000 per kilogram, was then checked directly by the police for further laboratory checks.

In this regard, the City Government (Pemkot) of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), asked residents to provide reports regarding information circulating the discovery of synthetic rice in the local area. Fake rice made from plastic is dangerous if consumed.

"Regarding information about synthesis rice circulating in Bukittinggi City, we urge the public not to panic, remain calm, and be vigilant," said Bukittinggi Mayor Erman Safar in Bukittinggi, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 4.

The Bukittinggi City Government coordinates with related parties and whatever the latest information will be submitted to the public.

"We urge people to buy rice at subscription places and be trusted, and not to be tempted by cheap rice, apart from official government and institutional programs," said Erman Satar.

He asked for the active participation of the public to provide a complaint report if they found suspected rice made of counterfeit.

"If you find rice with suspicious characteristics, please report it through the Bukittinggi City Agriculture and Food Service or through the kelurahan or sub-district for later we will carry out laboratory tests," said Erman Satar.

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