
JAKARTA - The government is targeting 99 Steam Power Plants (PLTU) to join the Indonesian carbon exchange (IDX Carbon).

Related to this, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Electricity Producers (APLSI), Arthur Simatupang, said that before the carbon exchange was inaugurated on September 26, the 99 PLTUs had directly traded carbon between companies.

"Borch carbon is a breakthrough that can be done. The Pioneer is indeed from electricity in fulfilling the energy sector and is a follow-up of direct trade that has been carried out between PLTUs," he told reporters, Thursday, October 5.

Arthur added, since the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) established the Emissions Upper Limit Technical Approval (PTBAE), there have been 99 PLTUs that have traded directly through trials or piloting.

"We do it trially and piloting but it is under the auspices of the Director General of Energy and Mineral Resources," he added.

Of the 99 PLTUs, he detailed, 45 of them are power plants owned by PT PLN (Persero), while the rest are private property.

"So in the registration process. There is an e-registration requirement through the Director General of Gatrik, we hope that all members of the list. Because as long as the stock exchange will certainly increase liquidity and transparency from the trade," explained Arthur.

Previously, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mahendra Siregar said there were 99 PLTUs that could potentially participate in this year's carbon trade.

"To encourage the successful implementation of the first trade of carbon units on carbon exchanges, based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and PT PLN (Persero), there are 99 coal-based Steam Power Plants (PLTU), which have the potential to participate in this year's carbon trade," he said, Tuesday, September 26.

According to Mahendra, this number is equivalent to 86 percent of the total Coal PLTU operating in Indonesia.

Apart from the electricity generation sub-sector, carbon trading in Indonesia in the future will also be enlivened by other sectors which are priority sectors to meet the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets.

These sectors include forestry, agriculture, waste, oil and gas, general industries and those that will follow from the marine sector," he said.

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