Members Of Commission VII DPR Ask The Government To Anticipate Additional Subsidized Fuel Quota
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)


Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto asked the government to anticipate additional quotas for Pertalite-subsidized fuel.

This is suspected to be an increase in the price of non-subsidized fuel so as to open up the possibility of people migrating and using Pertalite.

"Yes, I think this migration still has the potential, especially since the revision of the Presidential Decree on the use of subsidized bbm has not been issued. That is why we ask the government to immediately anticipate this migration, including the possibility of adding subsidized fuel quotas," Mulyanto said in his statement to the media, Thursday, October 5.

From the last meeting of Commission VII DPR RI with the President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, it was reported that the prognosis of Pertalite absorption, to this day, is still within the safe limit of the subsidized fuel quota in 2023.

Even so, continued Mulyanto, the government needs to make a contingency plan to anticipate this surge in demand for subsidized fuel. Do not let the government panic and have no solution when the incident occurs.

It seems that the government needs to consider adding subsidized fuel quotas so that the community needs are met.

According to Mulyanto, in conditions like now the government must be able to provide alternative solutions for the community to get cheap fuel.

"It's not even removing or reducing the quota. There will be people queuing at SPBU gas stations," said Mulyanto.

Mulyanto added that the addition of this subsidized fuel quota is very open.

By paying attention to the development of the latest situation, the government and the DPR may set a new quota.

Later it remains only to determine how much additional quota is needed while looking at the country's financial capacity to support these changes.

"However, we will see the progress in the next three months. As far as I suspect, the excess of Pertalite quota will not be too large," said Mulyanto.

Regarding the increase in Pertamax prices. Mulyanto asked the new Pertamax price not to be too high.

Not only must it be below the upper limit of the price set by the government, but it must also consider the possibility of migrating fuel users from Pertamax users to Pertalite.

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