
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of SOEs, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo explained about the plan to merge Pelita Air with Citilink. He said the government only plans to combine Pelita Air's regular flight services with Garuda Indonesia's subsidiary.

Furthermore, Tiko, Kartika's nickname, explained that Pelita Air, which stands as a limited liability company (PT), will not be merged or eliminated.

"No, it's not gone, the brand is still alive. In fact, we are happy that there are Pelita, so there are two brands in the middle class and LCC (Low Cost Carrier)," Tiko told the media crew at the Sarinah Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 3.

Tiko explained that Pelita Air will continue to stand as PT which is separate from Citilink. Given that this Pertamina subsidiary also has other business lines, not only regular flights.

"Because if you have to intensify the PT, it's hard. Because Pelita still has a Pondok Cabe airport, there are all charter flights. We just want it to be a regular flight," said Tiko.

Tiko said the Ministry of SOEs was still discussing the merger scheme for the state-owned airline Citilink and Pelita Air Service (PAS) which was still being discussed with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

Furthermore, Tiko said that the merger of its regular flights alone requires the blessing of the Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation. The Ministry of SOEs itself considers Pelita Air's flight license to be transferred to Citilink.

"So we are discussing with the Director General of Civil Aviation, if allowed we will move the license and aircraft. So it doesn't have to be in the form of a PT merger," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that his party would facilitate the merger process between Pelita Air and Citilink.

"In principle, if the Ministry of Transportation can make it easier, why make it difficult. We are looking for a way out. Because actually if people try to get to win-win, among businesses, especially if this is a state controlled company, it should be able to work," said Budi.

Regarding the transfer of flight licenses, Budi said the Ministry of Transportation must seek legal advice from the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun). However, Budi ensured that there were no problems with the merger plan.

"We will ask for legal opinion from Jamdatun, how this can be done. So we are not limiting ourselves because the regulation is impossible, we are looking for a solution," he said.

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