
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) said that the determination of the proposed port service tariff by PT Pelabuhan Tiga Brothers (PTB) as a Port Business Entity (BUP) at Muara Bera Port Samarinda which is valid as of October 1, 2023 has the potential to hinder the smoothness of exports and supplies to PLN.

APBI chairman Pandu Sjahrir said the tariffs set unilaterally without considering input from affected parties such as miners in the capacity as shippers, floating crane (FC) and floating loading facilities (FLF) rental companies, loading and unloading companies (PBM) were complained of by APBI-ICMA.

"There are about 20 APBI-ICMA member companies operating in Muara Berau that object to tariffs that have not been agreed upon by the shipper," Pandu said in his statement, Tuesday, October 3.

He said, APBI-ICMA member companies not only send coal from Muara Berau for export but also for domestic purposes.

Pandu said that his party had submitted proposals and recommendations for port service rates, but proposals and recommendations from the APBI-ICMA were not considered, among others, because in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM 121 of 2018 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. PM 72 of 2017 concerning Types, Structures, Groups and Mechanisms for Determination of Port Services Tariffs in Article 18 paragraph (1) letter b (2), APBIICMA does not belong to service users.

"APBI-ICMA has submitted an application letter to the Ministry of Transportation to immediately revise PM No. 121 of 2018 by including the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI-ICMA) as one of the service users who must be involved in discussing the proposed port service tariff," continued Pandu.

Pandu said that if it would be very wise for the government to review the tariff by adhering to the principle of justice so that service users are not harmed and the interests of the state, in this case, the smooth export and supply of PLN, are not disturbed by the determination of this new tariff.

"APBI-ICMA as a partner of the government always supports the government in streamlining export activities for state revenue and supply to PLN for national energy security," concluded Pandu.

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