
JAKARTA - Commission XI of the DPR RI approved the implementation of non-cash State Capital Participation (PMN) to PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero).

PMN given is state property (BMN) in the form of 12 passenger ships.

Deputy Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Fathan said that the provision of PMN for ASDP aims to serve the community, improve the capital structure, and the company's business capacity.

"The House of Representatives Commission IX approved the implementation of PMN Non-Cash FY 2023 in the form of State Property with 12 passenger ships with a fair value of Rp. 388,564,810,000 to PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero)," he said when delivering the conclusion of the DPR Commission XI meeting with DJKN, written Thursday, September 21.

Meanwhile, ASDP President Director Ira Puspadewi said that the provision of BMN to ASDP would reduce the state's financial burden sourced from the APBN for ship maintenance costs.

"Because then it becomes a fee that is borne by us as a recipient BUMN," said Ira.

In addition, continued Ira, the provision of non-cash PMN will also have a positive impact on the company because it adds to the company's assets. Then provide clarity on the status of assets.

"Improving the company's operational performance and financial performance. As well as the most important thing as an agent for development in increasing economic growth in the track of sentiment," he explained.

Director General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban said that the majority of the 12 passenger ships provided to ASDP would be operated in eastern Indonesia.

The details are KMP Drajat Paciran; KMP Mamberamo Foja; KMP Kokonao; KMP Lacana; KMP Lumpa; KMP Muggiyango Hulalo; KMP Ihan Batak; KMP Pora-pora; KMP Bamega Jaya; KMP Kolorai; KMP Opudi; and KMP Pangkilang.

"As we know, ASDP is indeed a maritime bridge for Eastern Indonesia," said Rionald.

According to Rionald, these ships will be useful for serving the crossing routes of people and inter-island goods in Indonesian regions.

"This capital participation will have a positive impact on PT ASDP," he said.

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