
JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) welcomes and fully supports every effort to strengthen the capital market ecosystem in all lines. As has been done by the capital market journalist community, Capital Market Journo Camaro), by holding a futsal sports tournament titled Camaro Futsal Competition 2023, which was attended by 16 issuers and eight journalists forums.

"At first glance, it may only be sports activities, but this (activity) is very effective in building togetherness in the capital market ecosystem itself, so it becomes industrial socialization (capital market) in its own form," said IDX Development Director, Jeffrey Hendrik, at the opening ceremony of the Camaro Futsal Competition 2023, in Jakarta, Saturday, September 16.

In fact, if currently involving dozens of issuers as supporters of the event and dozens of them being participants, Jeffrey hopes that in the future securities companies that are members of the Exchange (AB) will not be left behind in participating in this event.

With this kind of forum for togetherness, according to Jeffrey, it will be able to strengthen the national capital market ecosystem more effectively. Thus, it is hoped that every challenge that exists in the field will also be faced and a solution will be found together.

"We can also see that the majority of our retail investors today are the younger generation. So that these kinds of activities, by raising the tagline 'forward with the Indonesian capital market', I think it is actually more appropriate and effective in strengthening education and socialization in the community," said Jeffrey.

Finally, Jeffrey hopes that various initiatives and innovations of this kind of activity can be maintained, and even improved in order to develop the capital market industry as a whole. Especially in terms of strengthening the base of investors in society.

"If necessary, the prize will continue to be enlarged every year, so that the participants are more enthusiastic, and more. That way, the echo in society can also be maximized," said Jeffrey.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Capital Market Licensing Department of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Luthfy Zain Fuady, also appreciated Camaro's initiative in building togetherness within the national capital market ecosystem.

With better togetherness and communication, it is also hoped that it can support the transmission process of various capital market policies and regulations from regulators to the public at large.

"Communication is smoother. If there is a problem, the handling is also easier. And it is also more comfortable in terms of maintenance," said Luthfi.

In building and developing the national market industry, according to Luthfi, it is necessary to contribute and contribute from various parties.

Not only market players, industry players and regulators who work daily in capital market activities, the presence of journalists and the media world is also said to have a very important role.

"Especially for industries that are relatively very specific, such as this capital market. To hope that public literacy and knowledge of this industry is good, the mainstay is of course the media world. So when there is a joint initiative like this, of course this is very positive," said Luthfi.

On the same occasion, the Secretary-General of the Indonesian Futsal Federation (FFI), Edhi Prasetyo, admitted that the Camaro Futsal Competition is one of the amateur futsal tournaments that has been run regularly and consistently.

For this initiative, Edhi representing FFI expressed his gratitude to all the committees and parties involved.

"It is very encouraging, that this (event) was not initiated by sports journalists or football journalists, but economic journalists. Capital market journalists. But consistently holding futsal tournaments, we from FFI are certainly greatly helped and grateful," said Edhi, who was also present at the event location.

Various initiatives such as those carried out by Camaro, according to Edhi, are very important in an effort to develop futsal sports in Indonesia. This cannot be separated from the large number of quality seeds in society, so it is necessary to get adequate containers to develop themselves.

"Like football, we never lack quality seeds for futsal. It's just a matter of how we can find these seeds and provide a forum to develop even better. Now, what has been done by Camaro, has really helped us in that interest," said Edhi.

Camaro Futsal Competition itself was first held since 2011 under the name Capital Market Journalist Cup (Catalist Cup). Having experienced several renamings, this event is routinely held every year, and only had a vacuum during the last COVID-19 pandemic.

Entering the 11th implementation this time, Camaro is still in the system in collaboration with issuers as event supporters, with the hope that this event can also be a forum for friendship between fellow national capital market industry players.

This event is fully supported by PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX), PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) and PT Kliring Penjamin Efek Indonesia (KPEI).

From the ranks of issuers, support also came from PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk (AMMN), PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI), Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), PT BNI Sekuritas, PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) and PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (INDF).

In addition, PT PP Tbk (PTPP), PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk (SSMS), PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (TLKM), PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk (BSIM), PT Jamkrindo, Harita Group, PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk (IPCC) and a number of other issuers.

Through such an event, Camaro hopes to strengthen communication and networks, as well as the quality of the news in line with the friendship that is well established with the issuers.

Not only that, as a coverage that daily serves in the national capital market industry, Camaro wants to contribute through strengthening socialization through different platforms and approaches, which are believed to be more acceptable in the wider community.

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