
JAKARTA - The Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) targets to issue as many as 67 policy recommendations in the transportation sector as part of strategic activities by 2024.

"Based on the identification, selection, and coordination processes carried out by the BKT, the 2024 activity is targeted to issue 67 recommendations," said BKT Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation Pandu Yunianto as quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 31.

Pandu revealed that the Ministry of Transportation's BKT in 2024 will receive a budget allocation of IDR 192 billion which will be used to formulate policies in the area development-based transportation sector, logistics transportation policies, and mass public transportation systems.

A total of 67 targeted policy recommendations include the formulation of 43 policies related to facilities, infrastructure, safety, traffic, transportation, and the transportation sector.

Then, 24 follow-up recommendations on the direction of the Minister of Transportation regarding actual issues in 2024.

Pandu conveyed that the Ministry of Transportation also included the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN), the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN), as well as the leading, remote, outermost, and border areas (3TP) as a national priority program.

He added that the BKT of the Ministry of Transportation is committed to formulating policies that are right on target and implementative and prioritize the collaboration of all stakeholders.

"These activities are carried out through cross-expension coordination to encourage the acceleration of the implementation of transportation sector policies," he said.

On the same occasion, Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus emphasized the importance of coordination so that the work pattern is more efficient and increases internal supervision to minimize findings and problems in the use of the budget.

He also asked the Ministry of Transportation to pay attention and accommodate suggestions, inputs, and opinions of members of Commission V as partners.

"It is necessary to increase transportation facilities and infrastructure activities, integrate urban transportation modes, as well as transportation safety and security through issued policy recommendations," he said.

The Ministry of Transportation received a budget ceiling for 2024 of IDR 38.47 trillion, an increase of IDR 400 billion from the indicative ceiling of 2024 which amounted to IDR 38.07 trillion.

Of the total budget ceiling of the Ministry of Transportation in 2024, details of the composition of budget allocations per echelon I work unit within the Ministry of Transportation, namely the Secretariat General amounting to Rp645.57 billion, Inspectorate General Rp111.10 billion, Directorate General of Land Transportation Rp6.64 trillion, Directorate General of Sea Transportation Rp9.49 trillion, Directorate General of Air Transportation Rp7.67 trillion, Directorate General of Railways Rp9.68 trillion.

Then, the Transportation Policy Agency Rp192.94 billion, the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency Rp3.69 trillion, and the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency Rp329.87 billion.

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