
JAKARTA - Financial independence can be obtained by novice workers or young people even with makeshift salaries. However, they still have to meet the needs of paying for boarding houses, boarding house transportation to offices, eating, buying work clothes and others.Head of Sequis Digital Channel Antonius Tan gave tips on managing finances when he was still a novice worker to success at a young age who already had an established career and built a happy small family.

The following are tips on managing these finances: 1. Routinely saving Antonius when he was young, as students generally get pocket money from his parents so he has to be economical. He said that when he works and receives his first salary, it is very fun, there is no need to save first and he is eager to realize all dreams that have been held since college because of limited funds. However, he does not want to be complacent because anything can happen during his career. Unexpected events are not only negative, but good opportunities also require funds so that one must prepare well for financial conditions. "I learned to prioritize saving and sort out needs, then slowly realized pending desires as the salary increases," he said.

According to Antonius, the first key to personal financial planning is saving. Whatever salary a person has, make sure to keep saving prioritized. If you do it regularly, later, he will love to spend money quickly just to buy goods that are not needed. "The easy calculation is determining the savings ratio. At least more than 20 percent per month I set aside to save," he said. get bonuses and THR then try to increase the savings ratio even more. "If for you the ratio is still high, it doesn't matter to reduce it anymore, but add time, for example, per day or per week. As salary and finance increases more stable, it can increase the savings ratio," Antonius said. Have passive income In addition to saving and saving, when you are young and productive it is very good if someone adds knowledge, experience, and network friendship. One of the good things that young people or novice workers can do is start thinking about how to get passive income (passive income). Antonius said that when he was a student or a novice worker, getting a passive income, there were not many types. Usually there are those who become assistant lecturers, tutors, work extra at night, and others. However, in this modern era, there are many ways to get passive income, such as making & monetizing blogs, becoming YouTubers/influentors, write eBooks, invest, buy property and then rent out, and others. "So, there's no reason for us not to work actively to build the future," said Antonius.3. Being able to manage debts For some people, debt is often a solution to settle sudden financing needs. However, if too much debt can make life uneasy. Moreover, if interest floats. It's best to carefully consider if you are going to owe it, namely whether it's too much. will be able to consistently pay off debt on time, whether paying off debt can have an impact on other needs, and can you not add new debt before the old debt is resolved. Make debt the last alternative solution. If you are able to pay cash, it will be better. If you have to apply for a loan, you should apply for a productive debt and apply for a loan only to official institutions such as banks, official cooperatives, or pawnshops. One of the productive debt is to apply for a mortgage because Home price will continue to rise or borrow business credit from banks to develop businesses or that can add assets or income in the future. Meanwhile, consumptive debt and it needs to be avoided is the debt to buy expensive phones, branded clothes, or luxury cars because there will be a decrease in value. As an additional note, there is a possibility that novice workers decide to quit their current workplace or not to continue their work contracts, if they have a high value debt, then can experience the risk of going bankrupt and will be increasingly skeptical of achieving financial independence. Antonius said novice workers have the opportunity to have assets if they are disciplined to save, save, and try not to have consumptive debt and have passive income. Furthermore, if they already have assets, they also need to think about how to secure assets so they are not eroded by unexpected costs that could lead to the risk of bankruptcy by insurgent ourselves with insurance life and health insurance.4. Saving emergency funds The emergency funds are the basis for financial planning which aims to become a safety net during an emergency. In addition to saving, another thing that novice workers can also do is learn to prepare emergency funds. This emergency fund ideally has six monthly expenses at this time. However, you can use the initial target of 2-3 months of monthly expenses as a start. "If emergency funds are not used, that doesn't mean it can be used, I still use it. increase the amount because we never know when an emergency will occur, "said Antonius. 5. Insurance since young and healthy In addition to emergency funds, novice workers are also advised to equip themselves with life insurance and health insurance to protect financially from the risk of economic difficulties that may have to be borne by themselves and their families in the event of critical illness, permanent and total defects to death. A person can start setting aside 10 percent of the rest monthly income to protect oneself with life and health insurance.

Antonius argues that complaining that there is not enough money to buy insurance because small monthly income delays in insurance is tantamount to increasing the risk of loss.

This is because age continues to grow and there is a risk of being exposed to critical diseases that led to the rejection of insurance applications by insurance companies. "Renewable workers nowadays prefer insurance because there is a lot of digital insurance available," said Antonius. Currently, he continued, the presence of digital insurance not only makes it easier for prospective customers to seek information, but also feels that transacting because they can choose insurance products that suit their needs, the insurance application process is fast and easy, the reach is wide, and the insurance premium is relatively cheaper.

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