
JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki is optimistic that the collaboration between incubators and France will encourage the world of fashion in the country to become stronger.

"This is a stage for our fashion industry to go to the world market," said Teten in his official statement, quoted on Tuesday, July 25.

He said collaboration with the French fashion industry was a very good opportunity because until now France is still the world's fashion tool.

"On the other hand, French designers also see that Indonesia has culturally based wastra-wastra wealth. This is what they can use for the development of its fashion products," he said.

Teten admits that to be able to enter the world market, especially Europe, SME wastra (kain) players need assistance, especially to Indonesian designers, in order to take advantage of the advantage of wastra-wastra in order to meet European market standards.

"So, it takes some kind of ability to adapt to the market there," he said.

Therefore, Teten appreciates the existence of the Incubator Gate in accompanying local fashion actors to go global.

"Because it's not easy, for example to be able to appear on the Trade Show in Paris. You have to know exactly the world's fashion trade, you also have to know exactly what our advantage is," he explained.

So, said Teten, Indonesia can take advantage of the global market to be part of SMEs in encouraging and improving the quality of fashion products in accordance with global developments.

For example, the narrative of sustainable or environmentally friendly materials, as well as the exploration of Wastra Nusantara as a domestic advantage.

"That's from the market demand side," he explained.

Teten appreciated the existence of private incubator institutions such as Pintu Incubator, to strengthen the foundations of the Indonesian fashion industry.

However, Teten hopes that local fashion industry players will also work on the domestic market and not only focus on overseas markets.

The reason is, the national market is also a fairly large market. Moreover, the development of the middle class in Indonesia is also growing rapidly.

"In fact, the world's economic power is currently shifting to Asia. So, local brands should be the main players in the Asian market, apart from of course domestically," he added.

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