
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the total expenditure of ministries and institutions (K/L) until the first semester of 2023 was IDR 417.2 trillion. According to her, this amount is equivalent to 41.7 percent of the APBN target this year.

"This K/L spending includes spending carried out through the central government," he told reporters, Monday, July 24.

The Minister of Finance explained that the grouping of K/L expenditures consists of personnel expenditures, goods expenditures, capital expenditures, and social assistance expenditures (bansos).

"The spending of ministries and institutions is influenced by the preparation for the implementation of elections, the implementation of the development of the State Capital (IKN), and the acceleration of the completion of priority infrastructure," he said.

Apart from K/L, central government spending is also carried out through non-ministerial/institutional spending. Until last month, the non-K/L expenditure was absorbed amounting to Rp474.4 trillion or equivalent to 38.1 percent of the state budget.

"This is realized by subsidies and compensation (BBM, electricity), the Pre-Employment Card program, and fertilizer subsidies," said the Minister of Finance.

Meanwhile, expenditure instruments were also carried out through transfers to the regions (TKD) which this year was allocated Rp814.7 trillion or 26.5 percent of the total 2023 APBN expenditure which amounted to Rp3,061.2 trillion.

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